Sunday, December 28, 2008

What We Do for Our Kids

The snow load is all gone off my roofs. There is nothing like 50+ degree temperatures in December for that. I wasted a few hours worrying about the snow load on them Christmas Eve, when I could have been sleeping.

Sleep was not really in the cards Christmas Eve. Andrew was coming home from Grand Rapids for Christmas, but he decided to not start out for home until around 1 AM Christmas Morning. He figured on there being less traffic then. Most likely he was playing video games on line before that as well. He should have arrived around 2.

Lori got up to check the fire (and watch for Andrew) around then. She checked the IM program we use, and there was a message from Andrew. He was stuck in his drive, had been shoveling for a couple of hours, was tired and discouraged. He and Lori chatted online a bit, and then he used his computer to call home. (He lost his cell phone - again) Lori and Andrew miscommunicated on the phone for a couple of minutes (Lori misheard the cost, she thought he said $1/min, when it was about $.01/minute. She talked fast!) Lori wanted to go then (3AM) and rescue Andrew. So we did. We arrived about 4, and Andrew had gone to bed! He understood that we would be coming up to help after noon. We could not wake him up. Lori finally found the key to his van, and we got that unstuck, shoveled the snow and backed it into his parking spot. I also pounded on his door off and on during that time, to no response. He can sleep! Then I thought of using the shovel to knock on his door. That got him UP! He thought someone had hit his van. The back end was out in the road some. The story has a good ending...Andrew came home with us and we had a great visit on the way home. He and I even tried to rescue an injured deer. It was down in the middle of our traffic lane.

We had a great Christmas with my kids at Christine's and Andrew was home as well. What could be better? Who needs to sleep?!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I am somewhat concerned with Health Care in America. Especially for Senior Citizens, as I am one of the Golden Agers. I thought that I should share my concerns with the President-to-be, Mr Obama. I sent him an email containing the previously posted blog concerning my situation and how unfair I felt that to be.

That same afternoon I received an acknowledgment of that email from the transition team. That pleased me...even though I know that most likely the response was computer generated. Do you detect cynicism?

However, I did get a response! Then in a couple of days still another response. This was soon after Mr Obama named his cabinet choice for HUD. This email suggested that I set up meetings with people in my community, gather concerns about health care they feel need addressing, and communicate those concerns to the transition team. Where hopefully, they will be addressed by the new administration.

Now I am almost ready to believe that there was a human reading the email I sent! That is a really good idea, to get people more involved in the new administration. In fact, giving someone who has questions about how things are done the job of helping to fix the problem is something I would do. There is no one more likely to do a good job. Even if that person's point of view is much different than yours. It could be a learning experience for both of us. We both would be exposed to ideas we may not have considered.

I have decided that when I am at McDonald's having coffee tomorrow, I will steer the conversation in the direction of health care. I will listen carefully to the responses, and do my best to list those concerns for the transition team. I would hope that those responses agree with my feelings, but even if they don't I will dutifully post them. I may set up another meeting with some of the musicians I jam with, to get their feelings also. These would be very informal meetings with the concerns coming off the top of the participants' heads. I feel that would get a more accurate kind of report. It should be noted that all of the people I would be talking to are senior citizens...I mean Golden Agers.

So, what do you think about that? By the way, should you have concerns about health care in this country of ours, please post them in the comments section. I will send those on as well.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Things for Old Guy, #2

Maybe there has not been a New Thing for Old Guy #1, but that really doesn't matter. What does matter is that I have made a pumpkin pie. It is baking right this minute, but it looks and smells good. I got the recipe from my Mother-in-law. It is for easy pumpkin pie. I don't have to figure out how to make a pie crust, so that makes it easy.

I had a hard time finding all the ingredients. There has not been very much baking going on around here for awhile. I was not paying attention to where things were kept then, anyway. But Mom sent most of the ingredients along with the recipe. My pumpkin pie kit, so to speak. The vanilla was elusive, but was found Way in back of the cupboard. I put the ingredients in the mixing bowl in no apparent order. And the bowl got too full, mixing would have made a big mess in the kitchen. So everything got transferred to the next size larger bowl. I went over the list of ingredients a couple of times to make sure I left nothing out.

Trying to mix the batter led me to discover that one of the outlets in my kitchen does not have electricity to it. I will have to figure out what is the matter there, later. Mixing did happen however, and the pie made it to the oven without mishap.

Now it is baking. It then has to cool. After that we will try it out. The batter tasted delicious, so how could the pie not?

I hope we have some cool whip on hand. I should have checked.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oh Boy

Since I retired, I have been 'discussing' with my insurance company my medical coverage. I did not sign up for Medicare Part B at the same time as I did Medicare Part A. At that time I was still working and covered by insurance that my employer provided. I felt that it was not necessary to pay that extra $100 per month for insurance I did not need. But I neglected to sign up for Part B before I retired. So there was a time lag when I was not covered. Getting all that straightened out has taken several l-o-n-g phone calls and even more time has passed during which my health care has not been handled at all. I am at the point of paying for all my prescriptions and doctor visits myself, while at the same time paying about $200 per month for health care insurance. This seems wasteful to me. $200, that I can hardly spare, is being flushed down the Health Care Insurance toilet. I would be money ahead at this point by just paying all health care related costs myself. Of course, major medical problems would change that scenario.

Finally, all the i's have been dotted and t's crossed and my medicare advantage card has arrived! I am insured! Of course, I have to meet a $500 deductible (family) before anyone but me actually pays for prescriptions or Doctor visits. But still, I am insured. Finally!

In the mail the day that the insurance card arrived, was a second letter. This letter stated that it had been determined that I had been without prescription insurance from July 1, 2008 through November 30, 2008. Yes that was true. According to the letter, by law, in order, to be sure that people signed up for Medicare Part D, I will be fined! for the months that I Did not Have prescription insurance. So I not only had to pay for all my prescriptions during that time, but I am to be fined for doing so.

How can this be?! I guess that the 435 people who are our Government decided that it was legal to be dishonest! It is dishonest to penalize some one for Not partcipating in the program! Legal, only because our Government, our representatives, our senate, and our President, were more interested in protecting the profits of the insurance companies than in protecting the constituents! We did not count! This Medicare Part D was supposed to lessen the burden of prescription drugs on people on Social Security. In reality though it added to the burden while guarenteeing profits for the insurance companies. It was bad legislation, but even the AARP was in favor of it at the time it was enacted! We were sold down the river! Besides the above problem, there is also the dreaded 'doughnut hole' where the insurance company still gets paid, but doesn't provide prescription coverage! Good job people! Not one of you should have been re elected.

Perhaps the upcoming administration will take a long hard look at Medicare Part D. I hope so. But will meaningful changes be made? I am skepical about that. Medicare Part D is entrenched. It will be difficult to change it, and most likely impossible to get rid of it.
But I will try to remain hopeful. I see that the AARP is not as enamoured of the program as it was in the beginning. Perhaps they will put their lobbyists to work to get the program changed or deleted. We can only hope...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


It has been some time since I have posted...I have had some trouble trying to find something to blog about. It is not that there is not a whole lot going on in the world to talk about, it is that I, for some reason, am having trouble getting fired up about things! Unheard of!

Maybe I have been infected by the Christmas spirit! What has happened to my 'Bah! Humbug!' attitude? Am I mellowing? it must be the Christmas Spirit thing. Merry Christmas everyone! And notice that I said Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays, it is important.

I remain not Politically Correct! This is Christmas time! We are celebrating the birth of Christ. I know other religions have celebrations this time of year as well. That is good. I am all for it. I believe in religious freedom. If I get a Happy Hanukkah card in the mail I will be happy. It is unlikely though, I only know a few people that are Jewish. I am probably not on their card list. Kwanzaa cards are OK with me as well. Send them if you want, but you will get a Christmas card back from me. If there are any other holidays practiced out there now, by all means send me a card. It is not necessary to send me a generic card to keep from offending me. I will Not Be Offended. The more the merrier!

I know there is some controversy about whether or not Christmas actually occurred on Dec. 25th. At this late date, 2008 years after the fact, the actual date is not important. The celebration is. So celebrate! Do the family Christmas get-togethers. Eat too much! Visit with each other! Get all frazzled and out of sorts! It is worth it. I am sure that there is way too much happening right now...there always has been. Kick back and enjoy anyway. If you do kick back you will enjoy. Words of wisdom from an old guy.

Merry Christmas!