I attend meetings every day...at McDonald's in Hastings. Between 7-9 AM several people of my age group (60+) meet there and discuss the American situation.
One day last week, health care was the main subject. Generally it was agreed that while we have the best health care available it is also the most expensive. Soon the discussion evolved into what was the new administration going to/should do about health care and health care costs.
One fellow remarked that it seemed odd to him that the people who had the best 'free' health care in America, our Senators and Representatives, were so reluctant to give that same benefit to us the people of America. For the rest of their lives our Congressmen, our Supreme Jurists, and yes, our Presidents all were going to get the best health care available in the US, at no cost to them. Still (the thinking seems to go), to give that same benefit to us smacked of 'socialism', so should not be available to the rest of the citizenry.
Some how that seems illogical. If free health care is not 'socialism' when that group of people are benefited, why then is it 'socialism' when the rest of the groups of people are benefited? Or to say the same from the opposite direction, if free health care is 'socialism' when the common man gets it why is it not 'socialism' when the people in government have it?
In fact, it is 'socialism' in both cases. Either way it is the government being involved in health care. America is, whether or not we want to believe it, a 'socialized' country. Many many groups of people are benefited by or affected by government involvement. Farmers get subsidies, for example. Not all farmers do, but many farmers, and those appearing to be farmers do. School kids get free lunches. Once again, not all but some. Banks got a huge bailout. The auto makers want one as well. Unemployment benefits can be added to the list as well. There are many more examples of government involvement. These things have been accepted by all.
These things only become a problem when they are called 'socialism'. As long as they are not categorized they have gained acceptance. I say, lets lose the label and get on with getting decent universal health care for All Americans! Let us all have what the people in the government already do have. It is time!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Ads from long ago.

From email...Thanks Ken

Does this count as 'light hearted' posting????
Maybe Heaven...Maybe Hell...
OK, more on the not-among-the-living theme...I thought about that last phrase, and dead theme didn't seem to work. Dead seemed to modify theme, rather than being the subject of the theme...I may be being really picky. This is my blog and I can be picky if I want. I suspect that the winter weather is affecting my thought processes. I normally try to stay more upbeat. In fact, most of the time I feel just about immortal. After all, I have been here every day since I was born, haven't I? Evidence would then indicate that I will be here tomorrow as well.
I once dreamed that I had died. I found myself in a huge corn field. The corn was ready to be harvested. As far as I could see there were farmers harvesting the corn. There were men picking corn by hand. They were grasping the corn, pulling it off the stalk and husking it with their bare hands. They put the corn in sacks and hauled the sacks out of the corn.
Other men were also picking corn by hand. They were using picks to husk the corn, and were throwing into horse drawn wagons. There was an ear of corn in the air at all times from these men. Still others were binding the corn into shocks. Other men were picking up the shocks of corn and still others were snapping off the ears and loading them onto husking beds.
There were one row cornpickersand two row cornpickers drawn by tractors. The tractors ranged for the most antique to the most modern. Some of the men were running self-propelled combines. Those ranged from Huge with multirow headers to very very small. From air conditioned cabs to driving platforms right out in the weather with the farmer sitting out like a sore thumb. Every where I looked there were farmers harvesting corn, using what ever means of harvest that had ever been.
Any where I looked were wagons full of the corn harvested by these farmers. The amount of corn to be harvested, and that already harvested was beyond imagining. Never had I seen such a harvest. I was amazed.
My father drove by picking corn with a two row pull type cornpicker. He had the biggest smile on his face. He was in Heaven! As far as he could see there was corn and corn to harvest. Never had he imagined such a bountiful harvest. His happiness was there for everyone to see, for anyone to see. This was indeed Heaven to him.
I too, was harvesting corn. My wagons were full and my rows were never ending. I was harvsting corn with no breakdowns and no troubles. That sounds great doesn't it? Everywhere I looked was corn, and as soon as I got my rows picked. more rows appeared. My situation was exactly like my father's. But to me this was Hell!
No matter how hard I worked, no matter how long I worked, the corn harvest would never be Done! I could not finish. I was doomed to just work and work and work. The bountiful never ending harvest that made my father so happy only filled me with dread and anxiety. This was Hell to me. I didn't mind the work, but to never get done, ever, that was my worst fear.
My father's Heaven, and my Hell, were the same place at the same time! Forever! I wonder if that could be true...or if it is true...
I once dreamed that I had died. I found myself in a huge corn field. The corn was ready to be harvested. As far as I could see there were farmers harvesting the corn. There were men picking corn by hand. They were grasping the corn, pulling it off the stalk and husking it with their bare hands. They put the corn in sacks and hauled the sacks out of the corn.
Other men were also picking corn by hand. They were using picks to husk the corn, and were throwing into horse drawn wagons. There was an ear of corn in the air at all times from these men. Still others were binding the corn into shocks. Other men were picking up the shocks of corn and still others were snapping off the ears and loading them onto husking beds.
There were one row cornpickersand two row cornpickers drawn by tractors. The tractors ranged for the most antique to the most modern. Some of the men were running self-propelled combines. Those ranged from Huge with multirow headers to very very small. From air conditioned cabs to driving platforms right out in the weather with the farmer sitting out like a sore thumb. Every where I looked there were farmers harvesting corn, using what ever means of harvest that had ever been.
Any where I looked were wagons full of the corn harvested by these farmers. The amount of corn to be harvested, and that already harvested was beyond imagining. Never had I seen such a harvest. I was amazed.
My father drove by picking corn with a two row pull type cornpicker. He had the biggest smile on his face. He was in Heaven! As far as he could see there was corn and corn to harvest. Never had he imagined such a bountiful harvest. His happiness was there for everyone to see, for anyone to see. This was indeed Heaven to him.
I too, was harvesting corn. My wagons were full and my rows were never ending. I was harvsting corn with no breakdowns and no troubles. That sounds great doesn't it? Everywhere I looked was corn, and as soon as I got my rows picked. more rows appeared. My situation was exactly like my father's. But to me this was Hell!
No matter how hard I worked, no matter how long I worked, the corn harvest would never be Done! I could not finish. I was doomed to just work and work and work. The bountiful never ending harvest that made my father so happy only filled me with dread and anxiety. This was Hell to me. I didn't mind the work, but to never get done, ever, that was my worst fear.
My father's Heaven, and my Hell, were the same place at the same time! Forever! I wonder if that could be true...or if it is true...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I have had to attend the funerals of two friends in the last couple of weeks. That is not a pleasant experience. My sympathy goes to the ones they left behind.
Attending those funerals left me with concerns about my funeral. I know I won't be there. That is a given. Perhaps I should leave the nuts and bolts of my funeral to those left. It does give them something to think about during that time of grief.
However, I have always been a control freak...or so I have heard a time or two. (I don't really believe I am, it just looks that way.)So there are a couple of things I would want considered for my funeral. My thoughts of things that should be and not be at my funeral. I have no intention of needing a funeral any time soon by the way. So let's not consider this a forward planning exactly.
First...I would like the person who is doing the funeral to have at least heard of me before the funeral. It is sad when the pastor or who ever has absolutely no knowledge of the departed personally. To me that seems like production line funerals. I cannot see how such a thing is comforting to anyone involved. I realize this could be a problem. As I age, fewer and fewer people are live who have any knowledge of me. But still there must be someone who knows me that would be willing to officiate.
Second...Please don't Evangelize at my funeral. Evangelizing at funerals is just wrong. And it is impolite as well, I believe. Most of those attending funerals believe already. Those who don't won't be convinced at that point. So just do the comforting Psalms thing. Don't try to convince anyone else to be saved...Do that on your own time, OK?!
No sad music please. Don't 'beat the drum slowly'. Get to it! Play bluegrass gospel. Play bluegrass anything. Play it fast and hard. Play it Happy, even if the words are not. I really don't like organ music...but a honky tonk piano is good. Amazing Grace during the service is always good. That and The Cowboy Rides Away are my only requests.
Get to the fellowship after the funeral as fast as possible! Laugh, visit, and offer condolences often. Party! I think that is important...Probably the most important part of the funeral.
See I am not a total control freak...I know I must have left out some things that need to be considered about a funeral. I just tried to give my thoughts about the parts that seem important to me now. I believe that none of it will be important to me at the time of my funeral, but that is then. Right now those things are important to me.
To lighten this blog up I should close with something funny...but now I am feeling depressed and can't think of anything. So, More, Later...
Attending those funerals left me with concerns about my funeral. I know I won't be there. That is a given. Perhaps I should leave the nuts and bolts of my funeral to those left. It does give them something to think about during that time of grief.
However, I have always been a control freak...or so I have heard a time or two. (I don't really believe I am, it just looks that way.)So there are a couple of things I would want considered for my funeral. My thoughts of things that should be and not be at my funeral. I have no intention of needing a funeral any time soon by the way. So let's not consider this a forward planning exactly.
First...I would like the person who is doing the funeral to have at least heard of me before the funeral. It is sad when the pastor or who ever has absolutely no knowledge of the departed personally. To me that seems like production line funerals. I cannot see how such a thing is comforting to anyone involved. I realize this could be a problem. As I age, fewer and fewer people are live who have any knowledge of me. But still there must be someone who knows me that would be willing to officiate.
Second...Please don't Evangelize at my funeral. Evangelizing at funerals is just wrong. And it is impolite as well, I believe. Most of those attending funerals believe already. Those who don't won't be convinced at that point. So just do the comforting Psalms thing. Don't try to convince anyone else to be saved...Do that on your own time, OK?!
No sad music please. Don't 'beat the drum slowly'. Get to it! Play bluegrass gospel. Play bluegrass anything. Play it fast and hard. Play it Happy, even if the words are not. I really don't like organ music...but a honky tonk piano is good. Amazing Grace during the service is always good. That and The Cowboy Rides Away are my only requests.
Get to the fellowship after the funeral as fast as possible! Laugh, visit, and offer condolences often. Party! I think that is important...Probably the most important part of the funeral.
See I am not a total control freak...I know I must have left out some things that need to be considered about a funeral. I just tried to give my thoughts about the parts that seem important to me now. I believe that none of it will be important to me at the time of my funeral, but that is then. Right now those things are important to me.
To lighten this blog up I should close with something funny...but now I am feeling depressed and can't think of anything. So, More, Later...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The New Year- Hopes and Fears
I will admit that usually the New Year thing is done earlier than Jan. 4th. So have I been procrastinating? Perhaps. I would rather you believed that I was taking time to think things through before posting my thoughts. Yeah, that's it for sure!
I sub titled this Hopes and Fears. I usually am better at thinking of fears than hopes. My New Year's resolution is to concentrate on the Hopes part of life, rather than on the more negative aspects. I realize that New Year's resolutions are usually broken, often the same day they are made. But I will try. The first of the Hopeful things of the New Year.
I hope that the war in Iraq will wind down, and the troops doing that thankless job will be able to come back home. I am Hopeful that Mr Obama has an exit strategy. Perhaps this episode will soon become history, and the historians can sort out what all happened.
I hope that Mr Obama can indeed start a new era of American Politics. That 'politics as usual' will become a thing of the past. I hope that this brave new era will be far more successful than those of the past.
I hope that Lori and I can remain healthy. I hope that the effects aging keep there distance. I hope that Lori's knee continues to do well. I would like to say that I still feel like I did when I was 20. I probably do not remember how I felt at 20. But I do feel pretty darn good.
I hope that music remains a big part of my (our) life. It has brought us so much happiness. I hope we can continue to share our music and that happiness with many people. We intend to do just that!
I hope Spring comes soon! I hope that the rest of Winter is Mild!
Fears- oh my...They mostly drift around the things that I cannot control. I fear that 'politics as usual' will continue. My experience indicates that it will. I cannot control the weather, but then I am not going to obsess about it either. There is no point in that at all. While I remain hopeful about Mr Obama's presidency, there has not been a good president in many many years. So that remains a fear, as well. I admit to a certain amount of skepticism and cynicism.
But I want this post to be Hopeful, rather than fearful. So I am going to keep on playing music and singing. I am going to keep telling my stories to who ever listens...and even if no one does...I am going to watch the upcoming political situation hopefully...at least for the first month or so...(Whoa, Bill, back to Hopeful, now!) I am going to enjoy the life that I am living as much as I am able. I am going to continue to be thankful that Lori and I are together.
I am going to Hope!
I sub titled this Hopes and Fears. I usually am better at thinking of fears than hopes. My New Year's resolution is to concentrate on the Hopes part of life, rather than on the more negative aspects. I realize that New Year's resolutions are usually broken, often the same day they are made. But I will try. The first of the Hopeful things of the New Year.
I hope that the war in Iraq will wind down, and the troops doing that thankless job will be able to come back home. I am Hopeful that Mr Obama has an exit strategy. Perhaps this episode will soon become history, and the historians can sort out what all happened.
I hope that Mr Obama can indeed start a new era of American Politics. That 'politics as usual' will become a thing of the past. I hope that this brave new era will be far more successful than those of the past.
I hope that Lori and I can remain healthy. I hope that the effects aging keep there distance. I hope that Lori's knee continues to do well. I would like to say that I still feel like I did when I was 20. I probably do not remember how I felt at 20. But I do feel pretty darn good.
I hope that music remains a big part of my (our) life. It has brought us so much happiness. I hope we can continue to share our music and that happiness with many people. We intend to do just that!
I hope Spring comes soon! I hope that the rest of Winter is Mild!
Fears- oh my...They mostly drift around the things that I cannot control. I fear that 'politics as usual' will continue. My experience indicates that it will. I cannot control the weather, but then I am not going to obsess about it either. There is no point in that at all. While I remain hopeful about Mr Obama's presidency, there has not been a good president in many many years. So that remains a fear, as well. I admit to a certain amount of skepticism and cynicism.
But I want this post to be Hopeful, rather than fearful. So I am going to keep on playing music and singing. I am going to keep telling my stories to who ever listens...and even if no one does...I am going to watch the upcoming political situation hopefully...at least for the first month or so...(Whoa, Bill, back to Hopeful, now!) I am going to enjoy the life that I am living as much as I am able. I am going to continue to be thankful that Lori and I are together.
I am going to Hope!
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