Saturday, February 14, 2009


The stimulus package has passed both houses of congress. ( I refuse to capitalize either houses or congress.) Mr Obama will sign it into law. It will become law. Sad.

It appears that 'politics as usual' has reared it's ugly head again. I had hoped that there would be bipartisanism in congress. I was doubtful, but I had hoped. No Republicans in the house voted for the package...and only three in the senate. The three in the senate that voted for the bill were instrumental in how the final version of the bill would read/be. In order to get the bill through the senate compromises had to be made. So the bill got changed from one that Mr Obama proposed to one more like what the Republicans wanted.

Like most compromises, it actually offers practically nothing of substance. $400 tax credit for working people. $250 tax credit for people on Social Security now. (2008 taxes) A tax cut of an average of $13 per week for wage earners (2009 taxes).

Unlike a stimulus check, the tax credit will do little to increase spending. It will not be tangible money. It will cost us the taxpayers the same amount of money, but will not put real money in our hands. $13 dollars per week will barely pay for one familiy's meal at McDonald's. It would amount to 676 dollars if given all at one time. It could be argued that 676 dollars is 676 dollars no matter how it is distributed. I maintain however, that to stimulate the economy 676 dollars in one lump sum would be more beneficial. It could be used to buy a computer, a tv, or even to go on a weekend vacation somewhere. $13 per week will just get used for whatever. It might stimulate McDonald's a little, or maybe Walmart. It isn't enough to save. It isn't enough to do any real good. It isn't enough period.

Tax credits get 'watered' down. One has to make a certain amount of money to get the full tax credit. Like the tax credits that were in place for renewable energy, the whole amount is available but not if one is not in the right tax bracket, one cannot fully use the benefit. Once again, the money is not in the hands of the people who could spend it. So this stimulus package is the result of 'politics as usual'. We lose again.

The Republicans and the Democrats must, MUST stop thinking of 'what is good for my party' and start thinking of what is good for America. This time it was the Republicans wielding the big stick, to get what that party wanted. The Democrats have done it as well, and I am sure will do it again. If congressmen would rather represent the party they are affliated with than the people of their districts they need to be not returned to congress. When there are just Republicans and Democrats in congress there are no Americans. There are no statesmen. There is no thinking. This has been the case for such a long time. I had hoped that there could be a new attitude in congress. I see that there is not, and will not be.



Brandon E. said...

Good comments. The problem is when government sees a problem, they think they can always fix it. And they seldom help things more than they hurt. Financial downturns are going to happen from time to time, and there is nothing a bunch of idiots in Washington can do about it. They just want to pat themselves on the back for all the hard work.

buffalobill said...

Yeah, all my dealings with the government have been negative. I should tell you about the dairy buyout in the 80's...Not a good thing at all. I think there should be term limits in congress as well as for the president. It would be good to have the supreme court be 'termed' as well. This 'stimulus' package will not help out the common American...but we can Hope anyway. When Hope is gone we are done Bill