Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Care Debate

OK we all know that Health Care in America is the most expensive in the world...and probably not the best care in the world. I don't want to get into what is wrong with it, or how it can be improved at this point. I want to talk about the 'Debate'.

Or more accurately the lack of 'Debate'. There are a whole lot of people in America, and therefore, a whole lot of opinions. Some of these opinions I share while others I do not. That is normal and good. A 'debate' is when I express my opinions and then others with differing opinions express theirs. It is not calling and booing while a different opinion is being advocated.

Lately, I have been hearing of 'Tea Parties' about the Health Care situation. Where upon those who care can come and talk about their opinions. Too often only one side is allowed to give an opinion. Those opposing Mr Obama's Health Care Program are shouted down and booed during their presentation. Folks, this is Not 'Debating'.

This is no way to get any point across at all. In fact, it makes the ones shouting down and booing look like they have no point! If they had a point wouldn't they be able to express it more rationally? I would hope so. It definitely does not appear that way however.

I am sure there are rational arguments both for and against Mr Obama's program. Notice the word 'rational'. That would indicate a more calm approach to the debate. If one has something other than the fear of the unknown to bring to the debate, let them do it rationally. Likewise, to those in favor of the program. Speak your part rationally and clearly...Lets have less Screaming and Booing. If there is going to be a 'Debate', Debate!

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