Monday, November 9, 2009

More, Later....

Well, the House passed the Health Care Reform legislation. That does not mean that Americans will soon have reformed Health Care. The House and Senate bills have to be made the same and then both houses have to pass the (new) bill, and President Obama has to sign the bill. So there are a lot of steps before this is really a done deal. Of course if it passes all of the above, and gets to be law, then the bureau-crats get to make the 'Rules' and determine just how the law will work. So what was passed by the House, may not be anything like the law, still! It is possible at this point that the Judicial Branch of the Government may also be involved, sooner or later. Or maybe I am just being cynical. My thoughts are that it is Not a Done Deal as yet, nor anytime soon.

But maybe now Congress and the President can start thinking about other problems that are ongoing in this country now. The Economy, or lack thereof, is surely a concern that should be considered at length and soon. Joblessness is at 10+%. More and more jobs are being sent out of this country. I read in a blog of an University, a state University, has outsourced it's Help desk to a foreign country. (Georgia, if I remember correctly, but I may be wrong...) It seems to be impossible to get anyone from any company's Help desk whose primary language is American English. While that is a major frustration, it is also an indication of jobs lost in America. If the consumers don't have jobs, they won't buy. If no buying is done, the economy slumps. If the economy slumps, more companies send jobs overseas, in a never ending cycle. So our government needs to see if there is something it can do to help the Economy...Perhaps the government cannot help. Still our government should be Trying to help...

Then there are the various 'military actions' ongoing across the world. Very little is mentioned in the news, or anywhere else, about the cost of such 'actions'. The cost can be measured in both lives and dollars. These events are too expensive, and not needed. The people of the countries involved are not happy that we are 'helping', even if the leaders of those countries do enjoy the monies we are providing. Supposedly, we are making the world 'safe for Democracy'. Those countries will never have 'Democracy', no matter how it may be defined. We should bring the troops home, and keep our monies in America. I am sure there are businesses that make their entire profit from War...but still, we need to look after America first. We are Not Big Brother to the world, nor should be even try to be. Has there ever been a 'military action' that made a real difference? I think not!

It is time that the government, our government, moves on from Health Care Reform and directs it's attention to some of the other problems we are facing today. I titled this Blog More, later, but I really hope we don't have to wait much longer for More...

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