Monday, December 14, 2009

It is Nearly Christmas

It is almost Christmas time.  Here in MI it Looks like Christmas.  It snowed last week and the whole area has that wintery Christmassy aspect.  There is nothing like a little snow to get one in the mood for Christmas.

Christmas brings to mind 'Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men'.  Celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace is supposed to make us all feel more 'at one'.  We should set aside our differences and celebrate our similarities.

Today the world is divided by many things.  We find ourselves on one side or the other of various events, or labels or just opinions.  We argue about Global Warming, is it real or invented.  Arguments abound, but dialog is non- existent.  We argue about Health Care, but we don't sit down and try to iron out our differences.  We are Conservative or Liberal, with capitalization. Sometimes we even use All Caps!  We are definite!  There is no other way to be!  But we forget we worship in the same church...even the same church building sometimes.

Many are the things that divide us as a people.  We have been taught to queue up on one side or the other of many philosophies.  We seem to have forgotten that we are all People!  We all Love, we all get angry, we all are imperfect manifestations. We are all Just Human.

I have long anguished at the labeling of us Americans.  It just upsets me to no end when someone denigrates another's opinion by insulting that Person, ie calling him names.  That does not lead to discussion, it leads to anger.  If one's opinion has to be backed up by personal insults, it probably has very few logical points, I believe.

My idea when I began writing today's blog was to try to point out that we are all people, it is almost Christmas, so let's relax a little and enjoy the season.  I almost got involved in another discussion altogether! So let me just say...Merry Christmas!  Have a great time this Christmas Season!  Relax!  Get together with the Old Folks!  Breathe in the Good, exhale the Bad.  Merry Merry Christmas!

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