Sunday, March 15, 2009

Eating Right

I told Lori I was going to blog about eating right. Her comment? 'Like you know anything about eating right!' I have no idea where she would get the idea that I don't know how to eat right. I recognize right eating whenever I see it. Do I do it? No, I like food that tastes good as well as being good for you.

As an aside...Does is seem to anyone else that right eaters are often left- leaners? Are people that are leaner all eating right? Are they eating right, or just eating wrong differently? If eating right is a function of leaning left, shouldn't eating right be called eating left? In fact just how much of eating right is politically oriented rather than health oriented? Does politics have any healthy impact on what we eat? At least so far, eating right is not related to the banking industry. I feel that this is a good thing. If eating right was related to the banking industry some CEO would still be getting his 25 million dollar bonus, whether or not he led us to healthy eating or not.

OK that was reaching.

I do have some reservations about the government being in charge of deciding what is healthy eating. Healthy eating should not be in the hands of an entity that changes as often as the government changes. It also should not be determined by special interest groups. PETA is one special interest group that would like to be in charge of deciding just what healthy eating is. I am sure the beef industry would like to be as well, not to mention the pork producers, the chicken factories, and the vegens.

I think that conflicting information would be dispensed by the conflicting organizations. All of them have their own particualar agenda to promote. They will promote that agenda whether or not it leads to healthy eating. So how is one supposed to make sense of all the information? Or mis-information?

I guess I will start by not eating as often at the fast food places. So I will be just having coffee at McDonald's from now on. Sigh, no more sausage biscuits with honey. Today we had a healthy lunch. Shrimp and salad with asparagus. The shrimp was not deep fryed either! That was healthy! Obviously the aspargus was not grown here in Michigan, but the Mexican farmers have to make money as well. It is important to take credit whenever I eat right. I will not mention those times I ate wrong. It is also important here to mention that Pizza is one of the major food groups. Chocolate is as well, according to Lori. She knows what eating right is all about. BTW she does not agree with me about Pizza. Sigh. I guess that statement could have stood alone at 'she does not agree with me'. It's fun discussing things with her though.

On the side again...still trying to figure out the politics of eating right. If Rlush Limbaugh is the poster child of right leaners, why isn't he leaner? Or are only left leaners leaner? Is it possible to be a skinny conservative? Man I have a lot of questions about this whole subject. No answers, though. I'll leave those up to someone wiser and less cynical than me.

1 comment:

Brandon E. said...

It does seem to me that those that are "healthier" eaters, vegans, vegetarians seem to be more left politically. (I use quotation marks because I don't know that that lifestyle is a healthier way to live, I digress) And I am not really sure why I have that perception. I wonder if it has more to do with the animal rights movement. If you don't eat meat because you want to be "fair" or whatever to the animals, that seems pretty lefty to me.

It is a very interesting study of the human race. Interesting how our political beliefs possibly influence the way we eat. Or vice versa. I wish somebody could explain it to me.