Monday, March 2, 2009

Spring! Maybe?

I heard a Redwing Black Bird this morning! That is a for sure sign of spring! Also here on our little lake the Weeping Willows have begun to turn that yellowish orange they do in the spring. So it is obvious that Spring is on it's way! Hurray! Hurrah! and Hallelujah!

On the other hand...and there is almost always the other hand, it was -2 degrees F this morning with a windchill of about 15 below. This is not a good sign. (For some reason, I have been typing sigh this morning instead of sign, Freudian slip?) Also, our little lake is making ice like crazy. I can hear the lake rumbling as it makes ice right now. Spring is on it's way, but it will be some time before it arrives. Redwing blackbirds not withstanding.

It would seem like there should be some spring weather at the end of Winter. There is always winter weather at the end of Autumn. Michigan for some reason cools down better than it warms up. That is one reason that Lori and I head for Tennessee every spring for a week. We get some of the Michigan chill out of our bones early that way.

I was sure happy to hear that Redwing Blackbird this morning though. What a positive sign!

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