Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

And Do is important. Today we attended the Memorial Day Parade in town. There were fewer people At the parade and fewer In the parade as well. I was disappointed. I know I don't have lot of room to complain, after all, I Was Not In the parade either. I could have taken one of my antique tractors and participated. Perhaps I should have. That would have made One more unit in the parade.

It was a good parade. There was a good deal of applause as the Veterans marched by. They were stepping it right off too. Our parade route is a fairly long one, a little more than a mile. I am sure that some of the WWII vets were pretty tuckered out by the time they reached the cemetery, they are in their 80's now. It was good to see the ones that are still with us honoring those that had passed before.

I am glad that we attended. It is a good thing to remember.

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