Saturday, June 6, 2009


We arrived here in Arrington TN Wednesday evening about 5 minutes longer than 12 hours after we left home. I drove all the way...and was decidedly tired of driving. We had an almost uneventful drive down. We passed a couple of accidents involving semis and weathered two deluges. I am here to tell you that it is a Long way from the North side of Nashville to Franklin TN. We had the feeling 'almost there' when we started through Nashville...and we were only an hour or so away actually.

Thursday featured MI weather...cold and damp, high about 50 with a stiff Northerly breeze. We had been promised 80...So we were somewhat disappointed. We have noticed that TN people run there air conditioners when the high is about 50 degrees! We don't even have air in our house, and we didn't run it in our car at all last summer. Different strokes for different folks. I was looking forward to getting some of the ice melted out of my bones from that Long MI winter..but I had to wait a couple of days for that.

We are having a really good time with Don and Diane...Lori's sister. This household is different than ours... lots going on all the time. It sure makes us look like a sedate couple. It has been fun!

We are sure enjoying this Southern Hospitality...And I am very happy that we made the trip

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