Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tribute...Roy Fogg

My friend Roy Fogg passed away Monday morning.  He was only 65,  and had not been ill until 10 days ago.

We have been playing music with Roy and his wife, Debani for around 5 years.  In that time Roy impressed me by being one of the most Christian Christians I have known.   Roy loved everybody.  He walked the walk as well as talking the talk.  People were indeed his Brothers and Sisters.   Roy and Debani have always lived their philosophy, thier faith.  I am not easily impressed by the words people use to express their faith.  Roy's actions did impress me .

Roy loved everyone, but he also took care of and loved his family.  He and his wife have added 'at risk' children to their family for as long as they have had a family.  This is another example of him 'walking the walk'.  

Roy loved music, especially Merle Haggard songs.  He loved the old time gospel music.  He was a pretty good musician.  Music comes from the heart and his heart was in his music.

The world has lost a Good Man.  I will miss him.


Anonymous said...

Hi-I heard last week (friday) that Roy had passed away unexpectedly. Was his obituary publish in any newspaper? I've been searching online for it and couldn't find one.

buffalobill said...

I don't know of any obituary being published. I did not find one in any of the local papers. Too bad that.