Thursday, October 30, 2008


Or maybe this should be titled Rantings Part One. There will be, for sure more...

Today's is about the economy, mostly; and the election, partly...just in case you want to stop reading.

I see that Exxon Mobile posted the highest profits ever last quarter...surprise surprise! This makes several highest profits ever for a quarter for them. Although the price of fuel is down right now I don't expect that E-M's profit will drop much. Crude oil is costing them less. I would be surprised if oil company profits started falling any time soon.

But if oil company profits are high it would seem to indicate that the economy is in good shape. High profits means that things are going along swimmingly, right? But check around...we the people are not doing so great economically right now. Senior citizens are losing the money they intended to get them through the rest of their lives. Young people are worried about their jobs. Middle aged people are just plain worried. (Of course, that is nothing new, middle aged people have a lot to worry about.)

Consumers are cutting back on purchases. Another indication that the economy is not doing well. Consumers have to cut back, they have just about no choice. If the money is not available...if one has to decide between eating and buying goods, then buying goods is going to lose it's priority. Senior citizens have to decide between eating, purchasing health services and buying goods. I am surprised whenever one of us seniors buys anything remotely considered consumer goods. ( I have noticed that there still are a lot of Senior Citizens at McDonalds every morning though...of course senior coffee is not very much money.)

Personally, I have thought for some time that the economy would slow down. And that it would hurt when it did. I think that the adjustment had to come. It should have come much sooner in fact, and if it had it would not have been as harmful. It would have still hurt, but perhaps not as much. It is no surprise that the 'little' people bear more than their share of the burden. It is just the way it is...the 'little' people always pay the freight in this world. It isn't right but it just the way it is.

Which brings me to the politics part of this Rant, or Raving. Mr McCain is always taking Mr Obama to task for wanting to 'redistribute the wealth', and being a 'socialist'... Which indicates to me that it is alright with McCain that the 'little' people 'pay the freight'. He seems to be saying that is the American way. I can see that is the way it is, but does that mean that it cannot change? Or if that it changes we are 'heading down the slippery slope' of socialism? I believe that changing what is incorrect about this country is an important goal. And it is wrong that the few wealthy people can protect their wealth and the many poor people have to give their 'wealth' the very same wealthy people that are protecting their wealth. I admit I don't know how that change should be manifested. Only that change is needed. McCain is wrong! And please don't get me started on Ms Palin!

So then Mr Obama is right??? Well, maybe he is more right, in my opinion. Unfortunately, there is only a more right-more wrong type of choice this election. IMNSHO...Mr Obama is the most right. He is the most right for the economy, for health care, senior citizens, and the rest of America as well. It is time for a change! And I pray that the change is the right one for us all...Amen.

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