Saturday, November 1, 2008

All Hallows Day

Last night Lori and I saw so many elaborate costumes. No we didn't watch the kids trick or treating, we saw High School Musical 3! That movie is Just Plain Fun! I don't remember my High School days with fact until the movie last night I had forgotten that I tried our for and got a part in our High School play. I got injured and missed several practices and my understudy actually played the part on stage. But I did have the part first! Amazing! I don't remember practice as being as much fun as those kids were having in the movie either. Disney studios has a major hit I am sure

Lori hurt her knee dancing last Saturday night. It popped out of place and she was unable to dance that last hour and a half. I did dance with some other ladies. That is not the same as dancing with Lori, but it beats sitting on the sidelines. She went to work as usual on Monday but took her walker and used it all day. She had it available Tuesday as well. Since Wednesday she has managed on her own. She sees Dr Horton on Wednesday for an evaluation. Meanwhile, we are going dancing again tonight (Saturday). She is anticipating dancing far less than normal. Sigh.

Andrew was just home from college this afternoon. Actually he is interning at a hospital in Grand Rapids. He has almost ran out of time on his mobile phone. I refilled that for him online while he was here. He had no signal so it wasn't completely finished, but I have hopes that technology is a great thing and as soon as he gets a signal he will have his minutes updated. That's the way it should work. We'll see... I am (according to my daughter and my wife a 'the glass is half empty' kinda guy. I'm not a cynic... I just know that things seldom work the way they are supposed to work. Being right so often is the main problem with cynicism. It would be nice to be proven wrong, in this case especially.

Speaking of cynicism...I'll bet when this economy thing shakes all out and is all over that the same people that caused the problem will be the ones that profit the most from the problem. Another case of when I would like to be proven wrong. I am pretty sure I won't be though. Darn it! Or maybe Sigh...

OK enough of that! Lets Dance!

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