Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Farming in Detroit?

After reading John Phipp's blog Incoming, I was surfing from one page to another and found this page  .

At our annual family Christmas party my son the Architect made the statement that the two biggest growth industries in Detroit were Agriculture and Hunting.  He maintained that the abandoned property there lent itself to these industries.  The above article seems to bear that statement out.

I can see some potential and problems both with that scenario.  First it is going to be expensive to put enough land together in order to get parcel large enough to farm.  It could be done however...only money is needed for that.  Another problem would be keeping the crop from being harvested by the neighbors.  Neighbors who might see that crop as an opportunity to put food on their tables.  These same neighbors are needed as customers as well.  So dealing with them in a fashion that keeps them being neighbors and not enemies is a problem that will have to be addressed.  I do believe it is possible to find solutions however.  Finding them will take some major thinking.  All that is needed is intelligence, a somewhat difficult commodity to find..

Potential profits are going to be large.  Especially if the City of Detroit makes some tax breaks available.  I think that the idea of making the farms open to the tourist industry also has merit, and would increase profits as well.  In order for the potential to be unlocked the goals of the new 'farms' will have to be long term, rather than quarterly.  Agriculture does not fare well when measured by the quarter.  Some quarters are all outgo, and no income.  The planners must be aware of that situation, or the whole idea will go down in flames.

I believe that Agriculture could be a profitable industry in Detroit and other cities with similar problems.  It remains to be seen whether or not the thinking of the people investing in Agriculture there is long term enough to bring it to fruition.

I really don't think they will have the right mind-set...but I will wait and see!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Geez will this guy ever get over Blogging about Health Care Reform???

The answer to that question is...not soon.  Today the Senate passed part of the health care reform bill.  The vote was 60-40.  No Republicans voted for it and no Democrats voted against.  So where do I start my Rant?  There is so much to Rant about, I don't even know where to begin.

I will begin with the fact that the vote was completely along party lines.  To me that means that there are no statesmen in the Senate.  It would seem that at least one Republican would find merit in the bill and at least one Democrat would feel it was wrong.  Nope, I guess not.  The Republicans were all against the Dems all for.  So evidently no one has to think about a measure being considered.  All that has to be done is to find out if the party one belongs to is for or against a measure and then vote the party line.

That is so wrong so many ways.  I believe, correct me if I am wrong, but we the people voted for individuals that more or less mirrored our philosophies.  It is an unfortunate turn of events that made it impossible for people other than those in the Big 2 to run for office.  Oh they can run, but  there is no money to fund their campaigns.  While the Big 2 are funded by PAC's.  Which is another name for Lobbyists.  Both parties are funded by the same PAC's even!  I get sick just thinking about it!

By the time a politician gets enough recognition to be considered for national office he is 'owned' by several groups.  Not one of these groups have the interests of us, US (thank you, Paul Harvey) in mind.  It would be impossible for them to not give much consideration to what the people funding the PAC desired.  Money just works that way.  I suspect that even I would succumb the the temptation.  I would rationalize that the people that 'voted' me in wanted me to vote that way.  The money had nothing to do with it.  Yeah, Right...sure.

That's Rant #1.  I hate it that our politicians are bought and paid for.  It makes my blood boil.

The fact that the vote was completely along party lines indicates to me that our politicians are just Party puppets.  The Party (and I do not care which party one considers correct) pulls the strings and the politicians all jump.  Folks, there is absolutely NO THINKING going on in either our Senate or our House!  None, Nada, Zilch.  No one has to think they only have to do as they are told!  We are wasting the money spent to pay the Congress' wages!  It is being spent for no result.  I cannot believe that All the Republicans would be against Health Care Reform, than I can believe that all Democrats are for it.  I have never seen a group of people that all believed one way.  Every group has dissenters.  Except it seems our House and Senate, which follow the Party Line.  Like I said Puppets...wasted money...wasted time.

That is Rant#2.

I am not even sure I want to get started on Rant#3!  Which would be the watered down Health Care Reform bill.  If there was going to be Health Care Reform in America, it needs to be Bold.  It needs to tread where angels fear to tread.  It needs to be something completely different than what is happening in America today.  We are still a long way from knowing what this bill will contain.  No matter that today the Democrats and Mr Obama were hollering 'Victory', the actual effect on reforming Health care in totally unknown.  There are indications yes, but nothing is for sure right now.  My best guess is that after the smoke clears the insurance companies will have windfall profits at the expense of us, US.  Yes, I know that is cynical.  But realize I have lived through Mr Bush helping Senior Citizens with Prescription Costs by instigating Medicare Part D.  You know, where one gets to keep on paying premiums to the insurance companies while in the 'donut hole' where nothing is covered.  That, folks, is how the Government helps. It helps mostly the ones that pay the PAC's.  I have no faith left that this will be much different when all is said and done.  When it comes to Health Care in America the first question asked when one needs medical attention will be, 'How is this being paid?'  We still will not have coordinated health care.  There will continue to be a line up of Health Care Providers more interested in getting paid than in providing the patient with the care needed. In other words, more of the same only more costly.  Whether on not this bill is passed Health Care Reform is Not going to Happen.  Once again we have been screwed.  But then I never thought that we wouldn't be, we (US) have traveled a long way  the wrong way.

 I am not talking Conservative or Liberal here, not red or blue, nor Right or Left.  That is not the real problem.  We keep voting in politicians who owe someone big time.  That someone is not us (US).  My son-in- law believes we should vote out All of the incumbents. We need fresh people in Congress.  I agree with that idea. Some would say ''Then nothing would get done'.  I am not sure that would be a Bad Idea, looking at what has been accomplished lately. His idea is that We need to take our Country back from the PAC's.  I agree, we should do just that.  Perhaps then we would be free from our puppeteers.  Perhaps we could be elect statesmen rather than just Party Puppets.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cell phone Doc

This is a paper that our son Andrew prepared for his Last College Class at Ferris State University.  I think it is a good one and hope you all enjoy it

Qualitative Paper: The Cell Phone Culture                                          Andrew Conklin             
These past two decades have seen many technological breakthroughs that have shaped the culture of the United States. In the 90’s, the introduction of personal computers and the internet has swept across the nation, bringing email, blogging, and chat rooms. While all of these technologies marked widespread cultural shifts of the 90’s, there are few technologies that have changed the 2000 culture more than that of the mobile phone.
Mobile phones, or cell phones, have brought a new era of communication to this world. Phones have evolved from simple microphone and receiver to an abundant array of features: cameras, global positioning devices, computers, gaming consoles, typewriters, and televisions. Mobile companies have expanded on these costumer demands and developed a tool that has many uses.
While cell phones span across many cultures worldwide, it plays the largest role in shaping the culture of the youth. A whopping 45 percent of the total population of teen cell phone users in the United States claim that the cell phone is the key of their social life (Bauerlein) with 80 percent of the total teen population having cell phones (Survey). To the younger generations, not having a cell phone means you are out of the loop and uncool, alienated from the texts and calls of their peers.
As with  television during its era, culturally shaping technologies are not met without apprehension. Negative impact of cell phones have sparked concern from parents to skepticism and worry from the older generations. Even with the plethora of knowledge the internet/cell phone combinations has provided, this generation of youth has been dubbed  the “dumbest generation” by English professor Mark Bauerlein. Critics of the cell phone are quick to point out that cell phones host a magnitude of problems – distraction while driving, cheating at school. The critics worry that the 24/7 connectivity with their friends has evolved to everyone focusing on peer consciences, while civil awareness and other studies are often overlooked and deemed unimportant (Bauerlein). The conversations that  youth hold nowadays may be great in number, critics claim, but they lack the depth that was seen in earlier generations.
On the other hand, the cell phone supporters clam there is a great future in the connected wireless world. They claim that is no denying the fact that the hyper connectivity of the youth are able to perform duties with efficiency and effectiveness. A group of students from Massachusetts Institute of Technology were able to find ten weather balloons hidden across the United States in 9 hours using only the internet and social networking cites (Johnson).
So what’s the answer to the case of the cell phone culture? An anthropology research into the matters should give me an answer. My study includes observing a section of youth in Grand Rapids in their natural habitat, the shopping mall, while writing personal narratives on what is viewed.
The Research Process:
To properly do a research on a different culture, it is important first to take steps to separate myself from my previous culture. Using a cultural relativism as a view point will allow me to take a step back from my own culture and observe the cell phone society without bias. With this mindset, the analyzing of how my research should be conducted began.
The first thing a successful research into a culture is a population that represents a wide and diverse range of people. Shopping malls provide a wide variety of people with a good sample of race and age groups. To represent the Grand Rapids area well enough, my research was conducted on the west side of town, Grandville Mall, and the east side of town Woodland Mall for two hours apiece. I also made sure that there would be times that the youth would be at the malls, after school Friday and on the weekend.
After coming up with a large enough sample size, the next step is to define who exactly the new cell phone culture represents. Cell phone is a technology that is widely used and spans across cultures due to its usefulness. The difference, I believe, is that the people from the cell phone culture use the cell phone more profoundly, and it is more intertwined with their life. The cell phone is a symbol of status and identity, while the regular culture sees it as just a gadget. My understanding is that the cell phone culture is largely made up of the youthful people, ranging between early teenagers to late twenty-early thirty year-olds.
The features that will be identified as actions of the cell phone culture will be my opinions and questions will arise with new information. To these questions, my answers will be hypotheses that make sense to my understanding. I will compare them to valid studies that were previously used to identify this society in order to explain them.
As the research has come to an end, my findings confirmed that cell phones  have become more than just a social tool. They also have symbolic meaning. The cell-phone culture is dictated by two factors that hold importance: age and gender.
Cell phones as a Symbol:
In the younger generations cell phones hold much more significance than social networking tools, they have become  identifiable as symbol of social status.
Cell phones are of course, used to connect socially, that function in and of itself can increase ones status. However, one of my observations at the mall was that the younger generation often carried their cell phone in their hand, even when it is not in use, rather than store it away in a pocket. It could that they were waiting on a call or a text, but it is my belief that they were holding it out to show off their cell phone.
This hypotheses comes from the fact that arm that the cell phone was often flexed, not hanging down at the side as if the cell phone was not important. Women often had the arm flexed so the cell phone was held at the bosom level, while males had it flexed at so it their waist line when not in use. Also, women also more likely to text close to body at the bosom level also, and men often text away from their bodies at waist level. These two areas of the body are areas of focus to the opposite sex and are there to draw attention to those areas, albeit the action may be subconscious.
Cell phones also are a symbol of wealth. Cell phone companies have marketed a wide variety of phones that come at different prices based on function or style of phone. The more popular the phone is, the more expensive it most likely is. Having  more functions also mean a more expensive cell phone plan. This example of status can be seen with the iPhone, that kids see as popular but is too expensive to own (Survey).
              Age has a large part in how cell phones are used and the number of people using cell phones. As the age of the person increases, two things happen. The older age groups are less represented in the cell phone culture. This may be due to the familiarity of the cell phone technology. The younger generation was born in the early 90’s right when the cell phones were made for the public. Adults who were born in or before the 80’s did not grow up with the technology and lack the familiarity from using the product all their lives like the younger generation.
Another reason why there is more cell phone usage by the younger generation is because this is the point in their life where there is a greater focus on social needs. According to Maslow Social Hierarchy of Needs, there are five stages of need: physiological, safety, social, esteem, self actualization. The stages are accumulative; you need to fill physiological needs first before you can advance to security needs, and so on. In the younger generations, most of their physiological and safety needs are met. Most youths have a family that provides food, sleep and shelter. When people get older, however, there is a great need to establish their own family, to fulfill their esteem needs. But in order to advance, they need to become self sufficient and their hierarchy of need may backslide a bit to fill their other needs, like finding a place to live or a job. This would explain why older people have less cell-phone usage, because they are focusing on different needs besides social (Wagner). 
The other factor is that the younger a person is, the more cell phone functions are used. It is the opposite for the older age groups, the function become more specialized as the age group increases. For example, a high school school student uses their phones for everything, talking, texting, camera, internet, music, videos, and gaming, while an adult mom may only use the cell-phone for texting to keep in touch with her daughter.
Marketing has also focused on how cell phones are used. The functions, such as music and gaming, were produced to appeal to the younger generation and not the older one. The reason why marketing is focused on the younger generation is simple, because they are more likely to obtain money from their parents that are well established in their life than a young adult that is struggling to find a job.
My opinion, however, is that there is going to be an increased population of older cell phone users in the next decade. This reason is because the heavy use of cell phones by the younger generations will continue their cell phone trends as they get older. The younger generation has become more dependent on the cell phone functions. This would follow the example of the television, another technology that shaped culture of its generation, is used by almost every generation since its introduction.
Focusing on the younger generation's use of the multiple functions a cell phone has to offer, my observation is that gender dictates how that person uses their cell phones. While both male and females use cell phones to talk and text, the manner in which they use their cell phone's other functions is very different.
For males, cell phone is used as a universal tool. Males are much more likely to use the broad array of functions in their cell phones then females are. Males use their cell phones and GPS, television, internet, games, and music. This is not to say that females don’t use these functions also, but from my observation, males utilize them more. Males are much more likely to purchase smart phones and palm pilots than females to utilize the additional capabilities and to use it as a tool to do business and to organize.
The reason why males utilize the cell-phones for functions other than socialization can be explained by the male's focus on social status though hierarchy. According to Michael Connor, males have a  need for leadership and to establish a chain of command. A person that is well adept at mastering multiple functions is more capable and efficient and is more likely to be seen as a leader than a person that does not. This can explain why males stress having cell-phones that have multiple functions.
For females, cell phone usage is a different story. Females are more likely to have a phone than males. That is because cell phones increase female social status  more than they do for males. Social status for women is determined by how many connections or ‘friends’ she is familiar socially with. My observations from my memory in high school, women that were similar in fashion and ideas were more popular individually if their social group was larger, while women that sought to be individual were often alienated socially. This explains why cell phones are so needed to establish a network to share ideas.
              Cell phones are also  important by expanding the mediums available to hold conversation. Females can carry on multiple conversations at the same time (Connor). Cell phones add an additional medium for conversations to travel. For example a woman can be talking with her friend, texting a different conversation with another, while able to hold a conversation with a person that might call. This ability to hold conversations has increased three fold due to cell phones, and the people conversing don’t even need to be in the same room.
Cell phones have become a status symbol too, in women circles. As mentioned above, women hold social connection to their friends much more importantly then males do. Women use cell phones to establish their identity though the accessories they can buy for their phone. One of my observations is that women are more likely to desire accessories for their phones, like trinkets, style covers, protectors — to match the other females they are with.
Another observation in the mall that made me conclude that cell phones are used by women to identify with other women, is the association between cell phones and purses. There are two types of women in the mall, women that carried their cell phones in their hand, or women that carried purses. The women that carried cell phones were likely from middle school age to early high school, while the women with purses fell into the later high school years and college age. In my time, purses existed  My hypothesis is that cell phones are becoming a sign of status, much like purses were a long time ago. My prediction is that purses will be phased out and replaced cell phones in younger generations.
There is no denying that the cell phone has impacted the future with it's introduction. Critics of cell phones state that it’s a blight on intelligence, while the supporters see it as a key to connecting minds. After my research, I tend to agree with the supporters. The critics of the cell phone population are worried that about the degrading of culture and not the potential that cell phones are creating.
The critics state that studies show English language will fall apart and grammar will fall into shambles, and they may be correct. Instead of criticizing the cell phone generations, however, the critics should be taking steps to integrate the standards they claim are important into a format that the cell phone population will use. For instance, if people are worried  that history and culture are going to be destroyed by the growing focus on social conversation, they should make a cell phone trivia game on history that would allow  cell phone friends to join together. If  one is worried about grammar, make a cell phone texting paper competition where one will be graded on grammar and speed. There are many ways to preserve important culture standards within different mediums. Television is a fine example how both history and culture is preserved though a different medium.


Amendola, A. F. (November 2008). Can You Hear Me Now?: The Myths Surrounding Cell Phone Use while Driving and Connecticut's Failed Attempt at a Remedy. Connecticut Law Review. 41(1), 339-79.

Bauerlein, M. (October 12 2009). Generation Text. America { 2009}v. 201 no9
(October 12 2009) p. 20-2 

Connor, M. (n.d.). Understanding The Differences Between Men and Women. Oregon Counseling, Psychotherapy, Counseling, Therapy, Information, Education, Referral, Research. Retrieved December 12, 2009, from

Johnson, B. (2009, December 7). MIT team wins Darpa's treasure hunt in less than one day | Technology | . Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from
Mahany, B. (2009, May 25). Digital puberty: A new rite of passage. Times Record News. Retrieved December 12, 2009, from

"Survey: Teens' Cell Phones Indispensible - CBS News." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. CNET News, 15 Aug. 2008. Web. 7 Dec. 2009.

Wagner, K. V. (n.d.). Hierarchy of Needs - Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Psychology - Student Resources - Psychology Articles. Retrieved December 12, 2009, from

It is Nearly Christmas

It is almost Christmas time.  Here in MI it Looks like Christmas.  It snowed last week and the whole area has that wintery Christmassy aspect.  There is nothing like a little snow to get one in the mood for Christmas.

Christmas brings to mind 'Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men'.  Celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace is supposed to make us all feel more 'at one'.  We should set aside our differences and celebrate our similarities.

Today the world is divided by many things.  We find ourselves on one side or the other of various events, or labels or just opinions.  We argue about Global Warming, is it real or invented.  Arguments abound, but dialog is non- existent.  We argue about Health Care, but we don't sit down and try to iron out our differences.  We are Conservative or Liberal, with capitalization. Sometimes we even use All Caps!  We are definite!  There is no other way to be!  But we forget we worship in the same church...even the same church building sometimes.

Many are the things that divide us as a people.  We have been taught to queue up on one side or the other of many philosophies.  We seem to have forgotten that we are all People!  We all Love, we all get angry, we all are imperfect manifestations. We are all Just Human.

I have long anguished at the labeling of us Americans.  It just upsets me to no end when someone denigrates another's opinion by insulting that Person, ie calling him names.  That does not lead to discussion, it leads to anger.  If one's opinion has to be backed up by personal insults, it probably has very few logical points, I believe.

My idea when I began writing today's blog was to try to point out that we are all people, it is almost Christmas, so let's relax a little and enjoy the season.  I almost got involved in another discussion altogether! So let me just say...Merry Christmas!  Have a great time this Christmas Season!  Relax!  Get together with the Old Folks!  Breathe in the Good, exhale the Bad.  Merry Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sort of a premature Merry Christmas

Some pre-Christmas Cheer... This is probably on a million blogs, but I really like it. One more is still good! I fear that I do not share Bailey's enthusiasm! I am more of the Bah! Humbug! persuasion. Harry Connick Jr is always good though. And for sure Bailey is one Happy Dog!

Thanks Diane!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh Yeah!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope everyone takes the time to actually think about what they are thankful about...My List

(and all the in-laws and out laws there in)
Everyone with whom I have ever played music!
Everyone with whom I am ever Going to play music!
My Brothers and my Sister!
(And all those in-laws and out laws)
My Country!
And finally being Retired!
This list is incomplete...but I don't want to get completely maudlin here. The older I get the more things I have that I am thankful for!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Well, kicking and screaming, I have joined the 21st Century! I have joined Facebook! I have always considered that to be a 'kid' thing, and I am no longer a 'kid', by any stretch of the imagination.

But, a friend took some video of Lori and I playing music at a benefit last Saturday. She posted it on her Facebook account. (Incidentally, she does not qualify as a 'kid' either.) I wanted to see the video, so I tried to access her Facebook account. It was a no-go. You have to belong to Facebook in order to access accounts there. So, now I have my own Facebook account. It has no 'Face' on it because I have not uploaded a picture. So I guess I have a 'faceless' Facebook account. I have already a whole bunch of 'friends'. Surprisingly, there are lots of people my age that have Facebook accounts. Most of them have 'faces' on the account as well.

I may upload a picture or two to my account...I would prefer to use Lori's picture, she is by far more attractive than am I. Or I am, whatever... Lori would not be pleased should I do that. She is even more shy that I am, about personal photographs.

I have to admit that I have already used this account advantageously. I have located a nephew, whose email address I had forgotten. He has accepted me as a friend as well. Contacting him will be easy now. I had tried so called free people directories in the past. Those would tell methe email address provided that I paid them some money. For example, 9.95/month, way too expensive for what I would receive. Facebook accounts are free, and I had the information at hand almost immediately.

Now as long as no one steal my identity, I will be doing real good! See even old dogs can learn new tricks!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

sarah palin

Well, here in mid Michigan we are about to be treated with a visit from Sarah Palin. She is arriving in Grand Rapids MI this afternoon, for a book signing at Barnes and Noble. People have been standing in line since yesterday evening to get a wristband so they can get in to see Ms Palin, as if she were a Rock star.

I find that amazing...but then I find the fact that there even is a Sarah Palin amazing. What amazes me even more is that anyone takes her seriously! Yeah, I know she was the GOP's choice for VP candidate. We all know just how important the VP is. If she had been elected VP, she would not even be in the news at all. If the VP is in the news it is usually a joking reference. Ms Palin is probably better off media-wise by not winning the election!

Or at least she was until she published her 'book'. I use the quotes because said item is only 5 chapters long, so it hardly can be considered a book IMNSHO. Now once again she is in the limelight. The news media will have a field day! I am sure the reviews are going to be mostly bad. I cannot say whether or not the book is bad. I have not read it. I am not driving to GR to stand in line for the privilege of standing in another line to get an autograph. I will check it out of the local library when it becomes available.

There is no such thing as bad publicity. Ms Palin has once again put herself in the forefront of the news. She is again in front of the cameras doing her thing 'Ya Betcha!' She is really good at her act. She has it down pat. She is the every woman that is being ostracized by the 'big guys' in New York. She is appealing to the 'little person', the ones that the aforementioned have no regard for. She does do that well. She is show business at it's finest. She should be a movie star, I think, and not a politician. Well, alright, a TV star then, if a movie star is too important.

Should anyone take her seriously? No more than Barbary Striesband should be taken seriously, or any of the Hollywood ilk. Ms Palin has not ever accomplished anything. She got elected Governor of Alaska...but she didn't complete her term. She did not accomplish being Governor. She was nominated VP candidate by the GOP...she did not get elected. She lost, in other words. Losing is also not accomplishing. She wrote 5 chapters, and called it a book. I do not think that is an accomplishment either. Ms Palin's only accomplishment is to put herself in the limelight, to keep herself in the news, and to give Tina Fey comedic fodder. She should not be taken seriously at all.

She's all show...and no go...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Food For Thought!?

Young people are so Militant!
But yeah, I am so tired of this
PC world! So maybe this is the
way to be, rather than being So
Darn Polite! It's My Country Too!
So shouldn't I have the same
considerations? You're Darn Right,
I should!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

More, Later....

Well, the House passed the Health Care Reform legislation. That does not mean that Americans will soon have reformed Health Care. The House and Senate bills have to be made the same and then both houses have to pass the (new) bill, and President Obama has to sign the bill. So there are a lot of steps before this is really a done deal. Of course if it passes all of the above, and gets to be law, then the bureau-crats get to make the 'Rules' and determine just how the law will work. So what was passed by the House, may not be anything like the law, still! It is possible at this point that the Judicial Branch of the Government may also be involved, sooner or later. Or maybe I am just being cynical. My thoughts are that it is Not a Done Deal as yet, nor anytime soon.

But maybe now Congress and the President can start thinking about other problems that are ongoing in this country now. The Economy, or lack thereof, is surely a concern that should be considered at length and soon. Joblessness is at 10+%. More and more jobs are being sent out of this country. I read in a blog of an University, a state University, has outsourced it's Help desk to a foreign country. (Georgia, if I remember correctly, but I may be wrong...) It seems to be impossible to get anyone from any company's Help desk whose primary language is American English. While that is a major frustration, it is also an indication of jobs lost in America. If the consumers don't have jobs, they won't buy. If no buying is done, the economy slumps. If the economy slumps, more companies send jobs overseas, in a never ending cycle. So our government needs to see if there is something it can do to help the Economy...Perhaps the government cannot help. Still our government should be Trying to help...

Then there are the various 'military actions' ongoing across the world. Very little is mentioned in the news, or anywhere else, about the cost of such 'actions'. The cost can be measured in both lives and dollars. These events are too expensive, and not needed. The people of the countries involved are not happy that we are 'helping', even if the leaders of those countries do enjoy the monies we are providing. Supposedly, we are making the world 'safe for Democracy'. Those countries will never have 'Democracy', no matter how it may be defined. We should bring the troops home, and keep our monies in America. I am sure there are businesses that make their entire profit from War...but still, we need to look after America first. We are Not Big Brother to the world, nor should be even try to be. Has there ever been a 'military action' that made a real difference? I think not!

It is time that the government, our government, moves on from Health Care Reform and directs it's attention to some of the other problems we are facing today. I titled this Blog More, later, but I really hope we don't have to wait much longer for More...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Michigan and It's Budget

Well, only a few months after the budget was supposed to be decided here in Michigan. Our Governor and our Legislature, finally got around to passing this fiscal year's budget! Hurray! For some reason here in Good Ol' Michigan, our legislature cannot ever even begin work on the budget unless it is passed the time it should be in place. I guess that is a tradition here! It is a tradition that should be abandoned! It should be replaced with a new tradition of getting the budget work done on time! My feelings at this time are that we should vote out the whole legislature and the Governor and replace them. If That legislature is still not doing the job they were elected to do, start over again. If I had performed as poorly at a job, I would most likely have been fired! Deservedly! I believe that our legislature should also be held accountable. They should get the job done or get out!

Somehow, whenever it comes time to balance the budget, naturally, cuts in programs must be made. Always the cuts seem to come in our K-12 our schools. Here in MI there are programs that are 'earmarked', that cannot be cut for any reason. Are we surprised that one of those programs is the wages of the legislature and the Governor, along with all the trappings that come with those offices? For example, the monies needed to run their offices, and so on. In fact, if the legislature here in Mi does not vote to Not accept the raises, it happens automatically. Never has there been such a vote that passed both houses! They are riding the gravy train, while hamstringing our education system! Not a good job performance at all, instead it is a criminal job performance!

We in MI have term limits. That was supposed to make the legislature more respondent to the people. The idea was to destroy the 'Ol' Boy' network and get some fresh thinking in our government. It has not worked. So maybe our term limits are too long. Let's vote them All out, Democrats and Republicans alike, and begin again! It is time![[

Our Congress and Our Health Care

Does is seem strange that our congress, both houses, is having so much trouble coming up with a health plan for us, US? Shouldn't it be a simple task? I believe that it should! Shouldn't we Americans all get the same Health Care that they, Congress, get? Why Not? Are our Congress men and women not American citizens the same as we are? They better be. Are they any better than we? I think not! So do they deserve Universal Health Care, and that is what they are getting, any more than we regular Citizens? Not to my way of thinking! Of course, equity would be also achieved if they had to deal with the same Health Care that we do every day! I'll bet that would go over really Big with them! Yeah, I can see that scenario. Actually, neither scenario is ever going to happen...but I believe that one of them, in particular, should!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween at the Barcroft's

Shadow being Halloween-y

What the Heck is This?!

Shadow and Shadrack (Pumkin-g)
A young lady neighbor was walking around our lake...
and saw Shadow sitting beside Shadrack the other day.
She told me when we met on our respective ways around
the lake...Lori suggested I take a few pictures. Shadow was
almost cooperative, but we were successful!
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Or maybe the title should be AARP? The organization would probably prefer the all upper case letters...Already I digress.

A couple of days ago the AARP magazine came with it's usual doom and gloom content. I am sure that the editors don't think of their magazine as a doom and gloom publication, but that is how it always appears to me. I read it anyway, even though after, I am pretty much depressed.

One of the titles on the cover, was 'Does Religion Still Matter'. Which is what I intended to be the subject of this blog. It turns out that article is merely a poll taken of various age groups and how 'Religion' falls in those age groups 'things that matter'. Most of us Seniors ranked 'Religion' very important and highly important. No surprise there. We are getting to the age where our friends and neighbors are dying, so naturally we are beginning to think about 'What's next?' Sometimes 'Religion' seems to have the answers.

Lori says that defining 'Religion' would take a whole blog and I would agree with her. I believe as well, that whatever definition I would have would not satisfy everyone, and maybe not anyone. In fact, I think that 'Religion and 'Faith' are often confused, and the word religion is often used when the word faith is meant. Lori also says that 'Farming' is a 'Religion'. I have to agree with her on that also. It might even be a 'Faith'. Another digression I fear.

My first thought after reading the headline was that of course 'Religion' is important! Why would anyone ever think otherwise? Why would anyone even ask the question? Of course, I was confusing 'Faith' and 'Religion'. In fact, I don't go to church, do not want to go to church, am not going to ever be a regular church attendee. I don't know what churches have evolved into exactly, but they seem to be the embodiment of 'Religion'. The formal trappings, so to speak, the political body of Faith? I feel this is correct. It often appears that the Christian Churches do not even follow the teachings of Christ, but rather of Paul. Still another digression! Get with it Bill!

I believe 'Faith' is important and still matters. I am not so sure that 'Religion' ever did matter. I like the old gospel songs, most of them. I like to sing them so people can hear the message. I had faith that every time I planted seed corn that corn would grow. I saw miracles every day, even when others did not. Every child ever born is a miracle as are those still not born. I have faith. I do not have religion. Religion is when faith is packaged in a neat one-size-fits-all container. When that happens, changes occur that may not be for the best. Because one size does not fit all we have 'denominations'. We go from one to the other trying to find one that does fit. The denominations seem to feel that no one can enter heaven that is not of their denomination. As if any of us have a clear idea of what God is thinking! The whole 'political' aspect of Religion just makes me cringe! Just in Christianity there are way too many categories to try to label. Religion would, I think, cover other beliefs as well, the Buddhists, the Muslims and the whole raft of other beliefs there are in this world.

Does religion still matter? I think faith matters, religion does not matter at all.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Heatlh care #????

GOP's Snowe says she will back the Health Care Bill as long as it does not include a 'Public Option'....Meaning evidently that the rest of us will not get what she has, namely Government subsidized health Care. I wonder what her reasoning is? Common People are not deserving of publicly funded health care but Senators are? Even Senators who make much of being conservative? Inquiring minds would deduce there is a double standard at work here! Marie Antoinette said 'let them eat cake', and she was beheaded...Would being voted out of office be a too severe punishment?

Monday, October 12, 2009


After publishing my last Blog, Google as usual, opened another page. This page had advertising on it offering me a Free! copy of Sarah Palin's new book! Wow!

So does that mean my last post is a Conservative post? At least one guy at my table would be aghast to think that I was a Conservative! Smiley face here!

Peace Prize

My turn to weigh in on our president winning the Nobel Peace Prize!

The general consensus around the table at McDonald's has been one of shock and awe. We are a conservative bunch in general. Our first reaction, is 'What?'! Some of us, are only a little more chagrined that a black man won that prestigious award, than we are that a Democrat won it! As if, ex-president Bush could have ever been in the running! We're talking a Peace Prize here remember! It is important to remember that it is a Peace Prize!

My feelings? First, I am proud that an American won the Nobel Peace Prize, not an European. Heaven forbid that a person from an 'emerging' country win it! (Wait, that is not the tangent I want to pursue!) I would think that we as Americans should be glad that one of our own won! I am!

We could argue that our president was not qualified to be considered. He had only been in office something like 11 days when he was nominated. I personally, do not know the criteria the Nobel Peace Prize committee used to determine the qualifications of a candidate. Irregardless, I am surprised that Mr Obama was nominated. I do not feel that he had had time to show any leadership or peace-ship qualities at all. Obviously the committee did.

I don't believe his being black or white or even a Democrat should be considered by anyone. Those attributes have nothing to do with whether or not one is qualified. Nor should his or any candidates religion, how he feels about health care or of any of those personal considerations that are being used to divide us as a Country, be considered. They are not germane.

How does Mr Obama's winning that award affect me personally. Not at all! Nothing in my life has changed at all from before we knew that he was the winner! No more, no less money has come into my life. I believe my wife still loves me. My kids are still my pride and joy. I have not been drafted nor sent home from the war. I can think of nothing that has changed for me or of any of my friends really, because that award was rewarded. Well, maybe one fellow at our table at McDonald's has become somewhat more ornery...but he was pretty ornery before actually, he has had a rough life since the Democrats won the last election! He has elected to let that affect him, so that is his own problem. In actuality nothing for him has changed either.

So other than being proud to be an American, I would say that the Nobel Peace Prize is a Non-issue. It just plain does not matter! It is a media event...if event is defined loosely. It is smoke and mirrors, a magic act, and we should just be entertained by it and Not Get All Worked UP about it at all.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My favorite subject???

Maybe not global warming...but it is something to think about and talk about...see also I apologize for the jumping around you will have to do. I still have not figured out how to add these to my blog. It would make it longer though if ever I do.

Some of my own thoughts. In the video the guy sounds pretty convincing, doesn't he? I would find fault only with that he has not made the cost of false but we did do something about GCC (or whatever global warming is today) as high as it could be, while he made sure all the bases were covered on the opposing situation. I think the cost would be higher and catastrophic in either case. Life as we know it will end either way. I don't know what the guy in the video does for a living, but he Sounds like an insurance salesman. I have heard preachers that are pretty convincing as well, so maybe he is an insurance selling preacher? OK, maybe not. My point is that he seems to be making sense while you are listening to him. Thinking about what he said later, though, you can see some difficulties in his reasoning. I'll bet he could argue the other side of the debate as well.

I would have to agree with John Phipps about the fact that it is difficult to 'believe' in Global Warming when here in Michigan we had about the coldest summer I can remember. It does not seem logical that cold weather would be the result of Global Warming. I have some difficulty thinking that both droughts and excessive rainfall would be linked as well. Somehow, my mind can't work that way. So do I believe in Global Warming? Not today I don't. As far as I am concerned this has been a cold year, so it doubtful that there is Global Warming.

That is not to say that I think doing all we can to do away with pollution is wrong. Polluting our environment is extremely self defeating. Letting pollution exist because it cheaper is wrong. It is wrong whether or not Global Warming exists. We don't need to believe in Global Warming to know that pollution is harmful.

Do we all pollute? Yes! Could we all make a positive impact on pollution. We could try, and if we all did, that would make a difference. A difference has been made during my lifetime, in fact. Here in Michigan, there are gold finches again. This bird's numbers had fallen dramatically since the 1950's. Now there are a lot of them again. That is just one example.

Was there cost involved? Most likely there was. Did we pay it? Evidently. Should we continue? OH yes! Will it affect Global Warming? I don't know, but it doesn't matter, it should happen whether or not Global Warming exists or not! Global Warming is a 'political' debate. Pollution is a real thing. So fighting pollution is something needed. INM(NS)HO

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Scientists have discovered 'Ardi'. Which appears to be the skeleton of a forbearer of humanity. Older than Lucy is the information that appeared the other day. I read an account of the scientists' findings. It seems to them that both chimpanzees and humans descended from a common precursor. There is a whole lot more information available and I am sure that you can look it all up on line and get the whole picture. I would were I you.

I am not going to get into the controversy about Evolution vs Creation. I feel that has been done to death. My concern is about this new information is that once again we will be bombarded with that controversy. Once again, we the people will be divided according to still another demarcation! This controversy which has been quietly simmering for some time, will once again boil over. It will pit people against one another over opposing viewpoints. We will begin to judge each other over whether or not that person 'believes' in 'Evolution' or in 'Creation'.

We are already being lined up on one side or the other of too many issues! There's the whole 'Christian' and 'non-Christian' thing. There is a whole bevy of 'political' issues; Republican or Democrat, Red or Blue, Conservative or Liberal, and even dividing lines within these categories. I am sure there are other divisions we could consider.

I am not concerned that there are divisions, however. What keeps me awake nights is the vehemence, the anger, and the hate being spewed between one side and the other of whatever line is being considered. Now it seems that debate cannot be made without insults, swearing and in general disparaging the opposing person. The person, not the viewpoint is being cursed, called names. This in turn leads to the opposing faction doing likewise. No meaningful debate can be made. No points are being considered about the original issue. It does not make sense to me that if you and I disagree, you are stupid, or that I am stupid. We disagree for what ever reason, we may never agree on that subject. But the ranting and raving going on now between factions is never going to solve the problems. If the 'winner' of a debate is not the one with the best facts, but is the one with the loudest voice, the most anger, or the most hateful, civilization is going to stop existing. We are becoming little more than animals. We are ceasing to be Adults.

It is time to stop the madness! It is time to be civilized Adults again!

Friday, October 2, 2009


I called a computer repairman finally. He picked up the laptop Wednesday. He called this morning and said it is repaired! OK I can hardly wait to find out What Was Wrong!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Nope the ****computer did not reboot tonight, so maybe the tech guy will be able to figure something out, tomorrow...I don't know whether or not to be happy about the non-reboot. Technology you gotta love it!

It is driving me Nuts!

I am typing this on my laptop computer. That is the good news.. What is driving me nuts is that I am having trouble with this laptop. It does not boot a lot of the time. A very lot of the time. It is trying my patience. I do mean trying.

Camping a couple of weeks ago, the laptop refused to boot. I pushed the power button probably a dozen times to no avail. All that happened was that the power light lit, and the caps lock lit flashed. I probably punched that button a dozen or more times. Suddenly the laptop started. It worked fine, but I inadvertently (OK, unthinkingly!) just pushed the power button rather than let windows shut down properly. Yep, you guessed it the laptop would not reboot the next time I wanted to use it. Logically, it would seem that not shutting down properly was the problem.

Eventually after punching the power button more times than I want to admit this **** thing stated again. OK good, now let up go through the proper procedures for shut down. Now let us try to reboot. It works! Well, I figured that out didn't I?

Not quite! I used this computer for several hours, and shut it down properly several times. It rebooted each time, every time. I packed it away...for use when we were not at home, sometime.

Andrew (son) showed up Sunday with his new HP touchsmart laptop and showed that off. He asked was my laptop working now. Sure says I wanna see?

Well, it would not reboot. I punched that power button (20 times, a hundred times, a lotta times). For no apparent reason one time it rebooted. I used it for awhile and then it froze, while sending gmail. I held down the power button and then tried to reboot. It would NOT! However, the improper shut down procedure idea is still in play here.

Same scenario, many attempts, many failures, but after much anguish and a few improper words, it did reboot. I shut it down properly. Windows shut down and the laptop powered off.

Now it will power back up right? No that is wrong, it didn't

I have a friend who fixes computers. He suggested that I remove the battery and try running the computer only on AC. His thinking was that the battery was 'too dead to recharge' or 'shorted out'. I did as suggested. The laptop booted immediately, the first attempt. OK then logically that would seem to be the problem. I powered down properly and rebooted several times. I had successful reboots every and each time. So I ordered a new battery.

Then while I was using the laptop, showing Lori just how well it worked now, it froze! Would not do anything at all. Control-Alt-Del did not even work! So I unplugged the computer and tried to reboot. That's right it didn't. I tried and my patience was tried until I was nearly a patient myself. In biblical times I could have blamed the problem on God saying he was checking on my patience. It is doubtful that was what is happening, although the effect is the same.

I called my computer buddy again. He still leans toward there being a power supply problem, but he cannot really help me. He repairs PC's and almost never works on laptops. I called another computer tech and he will look at this laptop tomorrow at 9,

I did get the laptop to reboot just before he called. I was removing a security program that locks the laptop until the proper fingerprint is swiped. Last April a warning suddenly appeared on the laptop informing me of that feature on this laptop. I have not found a fingerprint scanner anywhere. That not withstanding and the fact that the computer locks, along with the fact that I have another security program working, made me decide to remove that program.

The result? Who knows? This computer has rebooted properly every time since. My feelings all along have been that there is a virus working or a program not working that should be. My anti-virus has not found a virus and the definitions are up to date. Of course there could still be a virus lurking around somewhere.

I would almost bet that when the computer guy gets here tomorrow this (nice words here!) computer will boot each and every time!

See why I am going Nuts!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Health Care....Again!

I was talking with my son-in-law Bob at breakfast this morning about health care and health care reform. He made a pretty good point I think. He said that as long as health care was a business, there would be no meaningful health care reform. In fact, he believes that there will be no real health care in America at all.

Health care providers, the Doctors, and Hospitals, as well as the Insurance companies and pharmaceuticals require patients, or sick people. There is no incentive to cure the ill. Sick people are needed to make money. No sick people, no money coming in, it is that simple. He believes that the profit motive must be removed from health care in America.

He may be right...It seems as if family practitioners are getting harder to find, because there is more money in specializing? That has to be one reason. Why would a drug company develop a drug that actually cured a disease? From the kindness of their hearts? Doubtful...corporations do not have hearts. If a drug cured a disease, it would not be needed once the patient was well, then no more profit or even income from that patient. It would seem then that curing a disease would not be in the 'best interests' of the drug companies. If doctors cured illnesses rather than just bringing relief from the symptoms, they too could run out of patients. Well maybe not, because people are really good at getting themselves into harmful situations. But possibly oncologists could run out of cancer patients if a cure should be found. My mother's oncologist thought the cure for cancer was no more than 5 years away, in 1963! Think about that for a moment. It is nearly 2010, and a close friend died Friday from cancer. Could it be that the cure for cancer is not what is being researched or at least not being researched aggressively? Well, could it? We can know for a fact that cancer is still among us, as are diabetes, heart disease and whole list of other nasty illnesses.

I have heard that the insurance companies have spent 500 million dollars lobbying to defeat health care reform in America. I am checking on the veracity of that statement. I will let you know what I find out. But I believe it is logical to assume that some of our insurance premiums are being spent to defeat health care reform. The insurance companies are not going to be in favor of anything that might lower their 'bottom line'. It is not logical to think otherwise. Remember that money to fight health care reform came from the insureds' premiums.

I believe Bob has a point. His point might raise more questions than it answers. I believe that in order to solve a problem, the correct question must be asked. Perhaps that question is, Who has the most reasons for people to get and keep healthy, the health care industry or the people receiving health care?

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I got an email from President Obama! I emailed him a suggestion about health care reform, and I got an email back. I am not naive enough to believe that Mr Obama actually drafted the email. That would be just taking too much of his time. It does however indicate that someone has read my email and responded. Surprise! Do I think that my comments will be acted upon? No not really. Do I think that my comments will be even considered? No, not my comments, per se...I expect that my comments got filed with other similar comments and the aggregate will be thought about. My statements will be one of so many believing such and such. That is a more likely scenario.

But, and this is a big one, someone is paying attention! And someone is responding! I am surprised, and relieved both. In fact, both times I have 'contacted my President', I have received responses. Hopefully, this indicates a more 'open' administration. My cynicism is strong enough that I can think that maybe the administration only appears more open. It would be great if my cynical mind would be way off base. Occasionally, not often, I am wrong to be cynical. I want this to be one of those times!

There is more! I also got an email from Nancy-Anne DePerle, who is Director, White House Office of Health Reform. This was a blog actually, but important to read. So now I am 'on the list'. Whether or not this is good remains to be seen. I think it is good however. BTW, I also get emails from Michael Steele of the RNC. I would not want to appear to be close minded. I would like to point out though, that these emails all end with a plea for money...Somehow, that is just not the same thing...

But Hey! I got email from the President!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sept Square Dance Campout

We arrived home here safely just before noon. It was a good Square Dance Campout. The reason being, the square dancers had some enthusiasm. In order to give the dancers enough 'rest' time between dances Friday evening, Lori and I sang and played a couple of songs between 'tips'. Saturday evening's dance we didn't even have to do that! Amazingly the dancers got up and danced without reluctance. I was impressed, and pleased.

Saturday's workshop went very well also. I 'taught' relay the deucy from the 'wrong' position. Or in other words so the men did the women's part. It took some practice, but the dancers 'got it'. See me smile!

I am not so nearly discouraged about calling for this group as I was last month. Calling was fun ths time again....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Care Debate

OK we all know that Health Care in America is the most expensive in the world...and probably not the best care in the world. I don't want to get into what is wrong with it, or how it can be improved at this point. I want to talk about the 'Debate'.

Or more accurately the lack of 'Debate'. There are a whole lot of people in America, and therefore, a whole lot of opinions. Some of these opinions I share while others I do not. That is normal and good. A 'debate' is when I express my opinions and then others with differing opinions express theirs. It is not calling and booing while a different opinion is being advocated.

Lately, I have been hearing of 'Tea Parties' about the Health Care situation. Where upon those who care can come and talk about their opinions. Too often only one side is allowed to give an opinion. Those opposing Mr Obama's Health Care Program are shouted down and booed during their presentation. Folks, this is Not 'Debating'.

This is no way to get any point across at all. In fact, it makes the ones shouting down and booing look like they have no point! If they had a point wouldn't they be able to express it more rationally? I would hope so. It definitely does not appear that way however.

I am sure there are rational arguments both for and against Mr Obama's program. Notice the word 'rational'. That would indicate a more calm approach to the debate. If one has something other than the fear of the unknown to bring to the debate, let them do it rationally. Likewise, to those in favor of the program. Speak your part rationally and clearly...Lets have less Screaming and Booing. If there is going to be a 'Debate', Debate!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I should Blog

I Should Blog...but lately I don't feel like it. Not that nothing is going on. Too much is going on actually. There is the Health Care 'Debate'. Just the 'Debate' part of it would make a whole blog. There is Iraq and Afgahnistan. There is Lori has started back to work. There is music. All these things would be good subjects for a Blog.

The truth is I do not Feel like blogging. I feel like 'what's the use?' I feel as if my thoughts, feelings or rants do not matter enough to get started. I am also sure that if I did start I would keep going. So now I need to decide how to get off Top Dead Center and get moving again. Maybe this is a start?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Some Stuff, but not Rants

Finally, the long awaited trip to 'Up North to play music' happened. We followed Ken and Judy North to Ken's homestead Saturday morning. Michigan was doing it's typically Michigan weather thing again, so the drive featured wet roads and rainy skies, and chill temperatures. It was, thankfully, a completely uneventful trip for us. Ken almost got sideswiped at one point by a driver who for some reason could not see that big SUV. A near miss, but a miss just the same. That event did become the topic of some conversation during the weekend.

We did play music! Ken and I changed off playing Dobro and guitar. The guitar player did the singing, by the way. Judy played the bass and Lori fiddled her heart out. We sounded terrific! This remark is made, of course, by a completely impartial observer, me. Ken called the pastor of the church around the corner to see if he would be available to play piano with us. It turned out that he could and would.

Now we were five, and to the mix was added the piano as well as a whole bunch of 'new' songs, songs unfamiliar to all four of us. What fun! The five of us played music and talked until after midnight. Cy (piano) had to get up by 5:30 to get ready to preach, so we reluctantly stopped playing music and bedded down.

Sunday we four went to Cy's church...a little country church with very few members. We were 'special music'. Neat! We did three numbers...Judy and Ken sang a song about a 'Stairway', Lori did 'I'll Fly Away' and I sang 'Mountain Railroad'. Ken and I played 'each other's' instruments on the 'Stairway' song. Always before Ken played guitar and I played Dobro when we have done that song (in Bflat!) So we were both traveling down a new path. Butterfly time. But we all the music went well. Both Lori's number and mine were quite a bit more uptempo than that little church was expecting. So later, Cy's accompaniment to the next hymn was as well. That brought a comment from the song leader...I guess she thought it was too fast. But in my opinion, it was like it should be done. Happy! We were praising God so why not be happy?

We drove around the area for a couple of hours after church. We showed Ken a place up there where cars back Up the hill, which he had never even heard about before. We discovered it about 5 years ago when we accompanied my brother and his wife "up North'. I called my brother on the cell to get directions.

Then! More music! Only about 4 hours worth this time...but Monday morning arrived before we went to bed Saturday night. Monday morning we played music after breakfast (and a lot of talking) for an hour or so...then we walked Ken's property. What a beautiful sunny day for that, and what a beautiful spot also. God's country.

Then about 4 PM we left to come back South to Barry Co. Once again a completely uneventful drive, just like we wanted. For some reason, bedtime was not as late as it had been all weekend. Could it be we needed some rest?

What a great time we all had. Thanks Ken and Judy for including us in your plans. It was wonderful!

PS...Princess (Ken's cow) did not make the trip even though Ken had purchased a 'chariot' for her transportation. An earlier planned trip did not happen because Ken had no one to milk Princess, so now there is a horse trailer to 'bring Princess along'. This time however, a milker was available...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Health Care????

OK...first off, I don't have any real answers to the health care situation. I admit that. Ideas, opinions, and feelings, I do have those. Answers are harder though. I believe that in order to have answers, first the question must be understood. I can see by reading the news that most people are trying to solve the problem without knowing just what that problem is. I am still considering just what that problem is myself.

A little history, back in the early 60's when I got married, health insurance was not a real big expense. I suppose that treatment was not really a big expense either, but as I was young and healthy at that time, I don't really remember. I got health insurance because my Children were likely to have need of medical treatment from time to time.

As time passed the percentage of my income that health care used, became more, even though my income generally increased. I remember thinking that medical expenses were rising way too fast. I believed then (and I still do believe) that the main reason for that rapid increase was because more and more people had health care insurance, and that insurance was paying pretty well. About this time the auto makers had decided to make health care insurance a part of wages. That was not the case with the bank at which my wife worked however. We still had to pay our own health insurance. Once my kids were grown and on their own, health insurance had become a major expense, more than half of my monthly draw. Even though agriculture is a dangerous profession, we decided that we could not afford health insurance. So we dropped out, becoming uninsured. We remained that way until I went to work for an agricultural retailer, who included that as part of the wages. I changed jobs but was still covered under an employer payed health care plan. I am still in fact, as part of my pension. I am so lucky!

Now to get the todays issue. What should be done about a health care system that has become so very expensive, one that asks first how the bill will be paid, rather than what is the health issue?

Mr Obama promised 'health care for all', or at least that is what the promise sounded like. Giving credit where credit is due, it appears he is trying to deliver on that promise. But this is a entrepreneurial economic country, more or less. Which can be interpreted several ways. What that means politically, I believe, is that much money is spent on our legislators to insure that legislation will be favorable to a particular enterprise. In this case, that would be health care providers. I do not believe that any particular political party is more guilty of accepting this money than any other. It is the way things are done, period. Another rant will consider that situation, I promise

Today it appears that Mr Obama is willing to 'compromise' and be willing to accept a health care packaged that does not include a government paid insurance. I think that is a wrong decision. I don't think any program without that provision will likely not be beneficial to us as consumers. If the government is not 'involved' there will be no checks and balances on health care expense to us the consumer. The insurance companies will be free to continue to raise rates at a phenomenal rate. There will be no relief for those who cannot afford insurance, but at least the health care industry's profits will be ensured.

I have also followed the controversy over whether or not a disproportionate amount of health care was going to 'people who have less value to society'. That would be the old and the poor, I would assume. Mr Obama has been accused of just wanting to let people over 65 just die, at least be the old folks at McDonald's in the morning. He has denied that allegation, but both parties ideas contain a formula to determine the worth of the patient. That sounds pretty Is awful. It is not anything that should be considered in America at all. That it may be being considered is just sad. My heart aches that the people we elected to serve as legislators should have forgotten the basis of America. That basis is not that all people are entitled to health care, but that all people are of intrinsic value...all men are created equal.

I fear that any health care packaged 'compromise' will 'compromise' many Americans out of health care. It might mandate that one must carry health care insurance, which does nothing but make sure that the insurance companies have a ready supply of money at hand. Any health care packaged that only provides for the insurance companies and not the insured is just not good for America or Americans. What is good for those businesses is not necessarily good for us citizens. I fear that there will be such a provision in the 'compromise', and I fear the effects of that provision .

It would be safe to say that I have little confidence in the ability or desire of our legislature to actually solve the health care problem in America.

I hope I am wrong...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vacation part 2

Here we are in sunny(?) South Haven...we left Evart MI about noon yesterday and arrived here about 330. There was no Sunshine! The temps were in the low 60 degree range. Not too nice at all cloudy and windy. But we met up with Daughter Christine and her husband Bob. We had dinner at the Phoenix Cafe, downtown South Haven. It is a sort of 'boutique' cafe, really busy, with good food. We had a nice visit with them with dessert at the Chocolate Store. But it was really cold for July. It would have been an exceptionally nice day for March though.

Today is somewhat less cloudy and the sunshine feels warm. My niece Dee's wedding is this afternoon on the beach hopefully. We were sad to leave the music in Evart, but family is more important, so here we are! There is free coffee at the office here in the South Haven Family Campground...I guess I'll go get some...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dulcimr Festival!

Here we are in Evart MI. at the Dulcimer Festival We had a nice drive up Sunday. Good driving all the way. M66 is a mostly straight shot from home to here. Camping here is 'first come, first served', which seems to mean that you send your buddies early to pay for your campsite, because there were no campsites left in the main camping area. So no electricity for us. We camped in the OTL lot under the pines, rustic camping. The porta potty is close though and McD's is across the road. So we are all set. We can get internet access, that is a main consideration for Lori.
We started trying to find jams almost immediately. I noticed a fellow sitting at a booth with a Dobro...He said he wasn't very good, but would try to play along, if I would sing a song. Yeah, right! He was good alright, he could about make that Dobro talk. I found out later he is a nationally known Dobro player. Some people called him Evan, and some called him Leonard....I called him 'Dobro'. We jammed there until way dark. I cannot tell just what time it was, but Lori and I were froze by then, it gets cool once the sun goes down in Evart.
Monday was more of the same. The only time we were at the campsite was lunch time and bedtime. Some friends from home are here, and we jammed with them for several hours. I know, drive all the way here to jam with people from home! But it was fun, for sure... and we jammed with people we don't know as well. It is hard to describe jammin. Except to say we have just too much fun! We were going to play back up for Bob Warner at the Gospel jam, but he decided against playing there. We missed each other so it was Tuesday morning before we found that out. We jammed around all evening Monday as well. By Monday evening, the ends of my fingers were getting black and blue! This even though I play guitar a lot!
Tuesday we walked around and joined some jams, once again with Bob and Linda and later with George and Betty. We came home to rest a bit...and eat some supper, and the campers next door invited us over to play music with them. That was fun. He has made a CD, and he played all the instruments on the CD. Then! He said I want to show something on the guitar. I got a two hour lesson on the pentatonic scale. Not so much what it is, but more where it is on the fret board. We used the 'E' scale. Then he played a 12 bar blues in 'E' and I played Lead! Amazing! He then proceeded to show me some other things I can do when playing rhythm in a group! Far too much for my mind (and fingers!) to digest. I am looking forward to more time with him.
This AM it is rainy. It rained over night, early this morning. Lori has a bad case of Poison we had a restless night. She finally at 4 AM took a shower. She rested much better after that. I didn't sleep while she was away, a short night for us both.
This is our main vacation of the year...if a retired person can actually Be on Vacation!
This morning we discovered that our new neighbors are Karen and Don from Toledo. We met them last year, she plays clawhammer banjo, he fiddles. We 'stole' a song from them last year, 'the Yearling Song. I wonder what song we can learn from them this year....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stuff and Nonsense?

First...I apologize for not putting any text with the pics last post. They are shots of Meredith's new digs. She is doing well there, Lori and I visit just about every day. I have sent the cell phone back to AT&T and spent over an hour dealing with canceling that service. AT&T could use a primer on how to care for customers. I did manage to avoid one set of 'customer service' representatives. The CSR I was talking to could not get the 'cancellation team' to answer their phone, so I didn't have to tell Meredith's story a third/fourth time. I was getting tired of re-explaining the situation to every new CSR I had to talk to. But that is said and done, thank goodness.

This has been a busy week...We have started every morning having coffee at McD's. I have to get my caffeine level high enough to function. We had intended to spend some time this week in Thompsonville MI, playing music with Ken and Judy. Ken could not find anyone to milk his cow Monday, so that fell through. I can understand that, for sure. I had lots of cows for over 30 years, and many plans got changed and canceled because I could find no one to milk.

Ken figured if he had a horse trailer he could haul the cow with him, 175 mi. Plenty of food and water at the Homestead. I discovered a couple for sale near here. Ken bought the best of these trailers Monday afternoon. We accompanied K&J during the 'looking' stage. Monday evening the four of us got together and played music about 4 hours. Ken and I took turns playing Dobro, guitar, and singing. Lori played fiddle and Judy was on bass. We had a ball! The evening got over too soon.

Tuesday we played music at Thornapple Manor, and at the Grange. Lori and I spent quite a lot of our time at the Grange dancing. We do enjoy dancing!

Meredith needed some transportation to a 'seasoned citizens' picnic Wednesday. Lori and I attended with her. Good food, and fellowship. We played the games somewhat reluctantly, but I decided we should represent Meredith. Lori kept me from taking last place. We took Meredith on a tour of a garden (flower) and then we did a tour of the old property. In the evening we three attended the concert in the park by the Hastings City Band. Good music and the mosquitoes were not too vicious. at Skip's. We will finish getting ready to go to the Dulcimer festival in Evart tomorrow. Evart features hours and hours of music, and parking lot picking extraordinaire...the highlight of the summer for Lori. (Actually the third or fourth highlight of this summer! Our visit to TN was terrific!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

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We moved Meredith (Lori's Mom) to an assisted living home this week. Meredith had been diligently downsizing for quite some time in anticipation. An apartment had become available a week or so ago...perhaps not the one she wanted, but she deemed it satisfactory 'temporarily'.

Monday Lori's brother Ivan, Lori's friend Mary, Meredith and I started the big move. Lori and her Mom attended to downsizing details. Ivan and I loaded the furniture making the move. All in all things went very well. Some of the furniture was heavy, but not so heavy we could not move it. Meredith moved to the new apartment with the first trip. First and most important item in was her Couch...her nest is how she refers to it. The last item of furniture to be loaded was the sewing cabinet Lori's Dad had built. This went to Sister Joyce Wednesday afternoon. We loaded up the roll top desk into Ivan's van along with most of the things related to genealogy. The huge (analog) TV went to Mary for her kindergarten classroom. We were tired, but everyone seemed happy with the move.

Tuesday Lori and I went back to the old apartment to do the finishing touches. We sold the bedroom suite to an antique dealer. Then we started the final cleaning touches. I made several trips to Goodwill with unneeded items, while Lori sorted things...we filled the trash bins available to us (two smallish bins) and hauled some more to the dumpster at the Middle School. Lori and I both worked harder Tuesday than we did Monday, surprisingly.

Wednesday we did the Final final cleaning and carting. We had a nice visit with Joyce when we delivered the sewing cabinet to her. It looks good in it's new home.

Setting up DSL for Meredith took some extra time. First I had to learn how to get to the right people answering questions to a computer. I more or less got that handled. Then a tech lady led me through the procedure, and after about an hour of trying this and that we had success!

Until I hung up the phone. The DSL disconnected as well! So back to talking to the computer...answered something wrong and went a long way the wrong way to a dead end. So I tried one more time! I carefully answered the questions and finally reached another tech lady...who promptly told me she could not help! But who also directed me to someone who could.

He and I went through the whole procedure again...but first he had to act like a jerk. He asked me what color the lights on the DSL modem were...and when I started to tell him, he shouted at me I NEED YOU TO ACTUALLY GO OVER AND LOOK AT THE MODEM! (I was!) With some difficulty I did Not react to his disrespect. I decided not to make his problem my problem... Finally we discovered the problem. I had plugged the DSL into the filter but not the phone! I thought the DSL was what needed filtering, but no, it is the phone that needs filtering. I believe we could have saved a half hour (and a whole bunch of shouting) if he would have listened to what I was trying to tell him. I guess the only way to do things is to go through the Whole procedure everytime...obviously the customer doesn't have any important information!

But DSL is up and running and as I type this Meredith's new cell phone is charging so maybe tomorrow I can deal with another AT&T helper....

Meredith is enjoying her new surroundings and getting acquainted with the other residents.

I believe this will prove to be a beneficial transition.