Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chimney Fire

Don't ever say I can't get in trouble all by myself! When I got done with lunch the fire was not working as well as I wanted. So I opened up the door on the front of the stove just to get a little draft. That worked Well. It worked too Well. In no time at all I had a chimney fire! I shut down the stove completely. This included the little draft door that Lori has always maintained caused the fire in the stove to go out. Nope! Fire in the stove did die down, but the fire in the chimney was roaring along very nicely. I made a couple of trips out to check the top of the chimney. That looked nasty with black smoke rolling out, but no flames shooting out. I came in chimney is Still roaring along. I decided to go up on the roof and cover the chimney outlet with something, anything. So I did that. Even with Ginger's dog dish driven onto the chimney I still was getting smoke! Where there is smoke there is fire. Finally I took the dog dish off the chimney. Only a little smoke, whew. I came back down and checked the house inside. No flames in the chimney. I have been out again a couple of times. There is no excess smoke coming out from anywhere. I think I dodged the bullet, this time! Just last week I cleaned the chimney. Somehow we managed to make a lot of creosote in about 10 days. The fire got rid of a lot of creosote on the bottom of the chimney...but I noticed when I was on the roof, that the top of the chimney is real bad again.
Lori has maintained ever since I caught the hillside on fire, (another story) that I should not mess around with fire... maybe she is right. It is amazing how quick things can get out of control.
And to think I was having a pretty quiet day at home...


Brandon E. said...

Wow! Good thing you were at home when it happened. Maybe you don't leave a fire burning when you are gone, but that could have been bad.

buffalobill said...

here in the michigan tundra it is Cold, so the fire is going all the time. i was happy that this ended well, for sure. btw the fire is damped down when we are not here, so chimney fires are not as likely to happen.