Saturday, March 7, 2009

Daylight Savings?

Grrrr! That is how I feel about daylight savings time. Grrrrr! It is something to be dealt with, like going to the dentist. It is not at all pleasant. It does not give anymore time. A day is still 24 hours, just like always. It is a burden foisted upon us all by a few business men who can make more money from the longer(?) daylight hours. Ironically, the golf courses people were quite happy to sacrifice the drive in movie people on their alter of bigger profits.

That is all in the past though. DST is here with us. We have to bear the cost of longer dark hours in the morning. School is still is session. Children now once again have to get to school in the dark. Drivers will have a more difficult time seeing them in the dark. The roads this time of year here in the Midwest, are in better condition than in the winter, and drivers will be driving faster. So the danger to school children is real. It is not real enough so that the danger is considered however. We have to have time to Golf! Grrrr! The danger was real even when DST didn't start until April. It is worse now that 'the powers that be' have decided that DST should begin in March!

Tonight we will lose an hour of sleep. Or miss the events that are scheduled for Sunday morning,one. I firmly believe that hour of sleep is missed by our bodies for the whole summer. We need that sleep. There is no way to make up for it until the time changes back again, in November(!). That is a long time to be deficient on sleep. Logic would indicate that there would be a loss of production because of the need for more sleep. I guess it is OK though, it must be. 'The powers tha be' have said so. It must be so...

I predict that in the not too far future 'the powers that be' will decide that the benefits(?) of DST are so great that DST will be put in place all year around. This happened after WWII in Michigan. The Michigan legislature adopted DST all year effectively moving Michigan from the Central Time Zone into the Eastern Time Zone. When DST was adopted nationwide Michigan had to obey...and the citizens of Michigan are on double DST. When the nation goes to year around DST. Michigan will be on triple DST, or three hours (approximately, because the time zones were artificial designations so the railroads could figure out schedules) ahead of the time if told by the sun.

But why stop there. If Daylight Savings(?) Time is a such a good thing why not go on Quadruple DST? Why not move the clocks ahead 5 hours? The benefits would be five-fold wouldn't they? In fact, maybe we should just get up at sundown and go to work and then our evenings would be all daylight. There would be plenty of time to golf, or have backyard picnics, or what ever it is that people do with the daylight saved. It would not be necessary to sleep at all, would it, we could just take a nap after work. We could designate that 6 AM (for example) was 6 PM. We would then save all the daylight! I am sure that would be a good thing.

Wouldn't it?

1 comment:

Brandon E. said...

HA! I have always thought the same thing. If one hour is so great, let's do 2 or 3. It is such a stupid premise. We're just like cattle being prodded around doing the same things over and over because that is the way we have always done it.