Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Let me say first, that I am against government bailouts. I thought the bailout of the banks (Wall Street)was not a good move. I cannot see how that bailout will translate into anything good for us the people of the US. I read the converstations at the time. None of those were particularly convincing. When I hear that one bank has kept on having meetings at cushy resorts, I am even more convinced that the bailouts are not a good thing.

I am also sure that bailing out the auto industry is not, in and of itself, a good thing. There should be other ways to keep the auto industry afloat. Restructuring would be a good thing for example. There is/has been a lot of bloat in the auto industry. Finding a way to make the industry less clumsy would be helpful. There are many places that changes could be made that would help the auto makers keep going.

But, if it makes sense to bail out the banking industry, why does it not make sense to bail out the automakers? Could the only difference be which party is bringing the idea forward? It believe that is the case. I believe the bank bailout was a Republican idea, and the auto maker bailout is a Democratic idea. So then the measure of worth of an idea becomes, 'if my party thought of it...it's good. If not, not.' Which is politics as usual.

Politics as usual is an even worse thing than bailouts are. It is evident that there was no message delivered by the last election. Too many of the old school politicians were re elected. Life will go on as usual. Nothing good will come out of Washington.

We desperately need new blood in DC. We have a new President, we need a new Senate, a new Congress, and new Judges as well. We need people in our government more concerned with us, their constituents than with the lobbyists. We do not need more life as usual. We need to let our congressmen and senators that we are not going to put up with their 'all for the party' politics, no matter to which party they belong. We need them to be Americans first, not Republicans or Democrats.

After the election, I had hopes that perhaps politics as usual would become a thing of the past. It is too bad that I have been disappointed. Again.

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