Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day + 1

All Right! Change is in the air! Will that change happen??? I hope so... I remember though, that even though Mr Obama is elected president, the Democratic National Committee will be lurking around. Like the Republican National Committee, the DNC would prefer that there not be too much change. Unfortunately for us, the same or almost the same people are at work behind the scenes doing their best to maintain the status quo, business as usual. IMNSHO....

I really hope that our new president can honor the promises made during this campaign. I really hope that there can be real unity in our country. I hope that there can be bipartisan politics rather than the 'follow the party line no matter what' way things have been done. Both parties have been guilty of that kind of thinking in the past. I really hope that there can be some kind of ending to the war in Iraq. I am hopeful that the economy will become much better; that jobs will be forthcoming soon. Perhaps there will be a improved situation in health care in this country.

I am hopeful...but... past elections have not brought much positive change. Campaign rhetoric has been just that, rhetoric. So many times I have been disappointed by the difference between what was promised and what actually was. So I am doubtful as well.

Hopeful, but doubtful...doubtful, but hopeful. I am holding my breath. I want the change to be positive. I would like this time for my cynicism to be Wrong! I am trying to shut down that voice in the back of my head that is saying those negative things that I am often accused of voicing. But that voice is still there and is still talking, and too often has been proven correct...

But today is a day for hoping... Mr Obama was elected!

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