Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lori's turn

   Had a lovely, lovely day at White Springs, Florida...the Azaela Festival turned out to be located at the Stephen Foster Memorial State park....that was a surprise to us. So we got that cultural/historical aspect as well. The way I understand it, SF just chose the name Suwannee River from a map, because he liked the sound of it, fit his song...and spent little or no time there. But...very impressive museum still,in his honor.    The azaleas were a little 'past' but there was plenty to see & do anyway. Yes music! Several local groups performed in different places...including one neat story teller. We wandered through the quaint shops....and heard fiddle music! A tiny music store...pretty blond lady, a little younger than myself, playing with a recorded background. There was another fiddle just setting on the couch beside her....I so wanted to pick that up, it could have  worked for me to play along...but didn't ask. Not quite brave enough...and the moment is gone forever. Sigh.   But, another was Billy's choice...we had fried alligator tail for lunch! White meat, very tasty, but chicken is Cheaper! Found another little souvenir....a tiny colorful magnet that says...In a fiddler's house, everyone dances! I like that.     Back at Jan's place...essential nap, and our last night here. Promised her a dozen songs, for the lovely spaghetti dinner she fixed us! Came up a thunder shower, glad to not be camping, Jan was Gad for the Rain...Florida's water table is very low, and no northern snows to replenish it. She actually had to have new well dug....not good.    Another souvenir for antique double jawed gear puller. Impressive, huh. Jan is sorting out some of her husbands tools....Charlie passed away about 7 years ago. She had no idea...Billy recognized it immediately. Said he liked that design better than the triple jawed gear she gave it to him, to add to his antique collection.  Well,by this time tomorrow we will have said 'good bye' to Florida....til 2013. But I am already collecting ideas, making plans. I sent Ann, our hostess at The Lake House in Florala...the promised little note, about having a musical get- together with local folk there???  We'll see! Tell you all about it. Plan to stay at least 3 nights there...then a bit farther north, to Tannehill State Park, also in Alabama. We don't want to get ahead of spring, do we. Nope! Ttyl...Lori

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