Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday, not a Day of Rest...but not too bad either !

Slept in some...then a leisurely breakfast with Jan. we played her one last concert, then hit the road about 10AM. We took 351 to Cross City where we took 19/98/27 North. From there we took 20 East about forever through Florida's panhandle. Then 331 North to Florala AL. We arrived around 4. We set up camp and were sitting leisurely around by 4:30-4:45! I thought the first order of business should be a shower, while Lori got in her 'essential' nap. We accomplished both. I took a trip down the road for Ice for our drinker, and about Sundown we walked the mile from the campground to the Lake House Bed and Breakfast where we stayed on our way down to Florida. We had dinner of breakfast at the Huddle House. I got good pictures of the Sunset over Lake Jackson...then we turned in for the night! Pretty drive through Florida, with no incidents of travel to mention. That is always a plus!

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