Thursday, March 22, 2012

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Well, I am way behind, here is three days in one blog. Monday! We found Florala State Park to be just beautiful! It is small, clean and Quiet! The ranger is real friendly, as well. We walked to the Huddle House for Breakfast, about a mile or maybe more away. Our path followed the shoreline of Lake Jackson. It is a beautiful lake. The walk was really nice. The walk both ways and the eating of breakfast sort of shoots the heck out of 2 hours. We did some necessary shopping while 'in town'. We took out our guitar and fiddle so we could do some new music, songs we are in the process of learning. In no time at all we had an audience! We played music in the evening at another campsite...Leo and June. They live about 20 miles away but camp in Florala for 6 months every year! I find that amazing...and very u unusual. Lunch and supper was a sandwich cut in quarters, split two ways, twice! Trying to do better about eating So Much! Tuesday we did the walk to Florala twice again, once for breakfast and again about 3 PM to get a pizza for lunch And supper. We played music again in the afternoon. We are getting some of our new music learned, but we have a ways to go on 'Ya'll Come Back Saloon'. No one seemed to be stirring at Leo and June's so we just sat around our campsite and played music. Several people said they will miss our music when we leave...that is always nice to hear! Wednesday we walked to the Huddle House one last time. After Breakfast we packed up the camper, hooked up and headed North. Tannehill State Park, our destination! We checked the map and I thought I had the route firmly in mind...but we missed a turn off somewhere around Montgomery, which added a half hour to our drive! When we stopped for fuel and potty break, and to check things out...we were 30 miles past, we had to take an alternative route. We did make it though. Spring Break! Tannehill is Not a Quiet campground! Hundreds of kids, thousands of bicycles! Our camper and our campsite are made for each other...both are small! There is a 10 foot drop from just under our rear pullout to the creek! Lori (and I) made doubly sure the wheels are securely blocked, all three of them! We did some exploring around the park just before dark...the park is dedicated to Civil War Ironworks. We will do more exploring later. We sat in our 'easy' chairs and watched night fall...then to bed! Did I mention this park is Not Quiet?!

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